Chapter- 8

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Robin Arellano pov:

The phone rang. But how?

I looked over at Tilly, "oh shit." She said in shock.

"Why what? What's going on Tilly!" I asked in a panic.

"That's what I told you before dumbass the phone, it's ringing." She said going over to it and picking it up.

Tilly Mane pov:

I went over to the phone and picked it up, "hey? anyone there?" I asked.

"Hey.. do you know someone called Finney?" The voice asked.

"I- yeah he's a friend from school why?" I told the voice. Robin was looking at me in shock, well more of a 'what the fuck' face.

"Heh... his arms mint." He said through the phone.

"Finneys not here though? It's me and Robin." I said. I was quite confused why would they be talking about Finney if he isn't here.

"Yeah I know... hey." The voice said, he paused at hey like I was supposed to say something.

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked.

"There's a lose tile in the small hallway leading to the bathroom, if you can find it dig. Dig deep enough for him to fall into. I didn't have enough time, but you two will. Oh and tell Finney his arm is mint... he almost had me.." the voice said before it all went static.

I put the phone back in the rightfull place and went into the hallway, Robin was saying something but I couldn't hear him. I managed to find the tile and I lifted the whole thing off.

I was lifted up and swung around, it had shocked me but I realised quickly it was just Robin.

"Tilly listen to me! What did the person on the phone say." He asked in a slight raised voice.

My mouth was slightly open as I just looked at him, he shook me a little.

"There's a lose tile, look." I said pointing towards it.

"Yeah so what? What use does it do us?" Robin asked me.

"I don't know... but the boy told me to do it.." I muttered quietly. He looked at me like I was insane.

He dragged me over to the mattress and lay me down, he sat next to me.

"Tilly.. what did the boy say." He asked.

"Well the tile-" he cut me off with a grunt of annoyance.

"Not about the tile! Anything else?" He asked getting frustrated.

"About Finneys arm being mint, and that he almsot had him." I said sighing.

Robin didn't speak for a minute.. it was silent before he shot up and looked at me. He grabbed my hand lifting me up.

"You was speaking to Bruce Yamada!" He said in shock.

"I was? Oh, Finney mentioned him before.." I said, I'm completely confused.

"Tilly.. you're speaking to the dead kids on the phone, they can help us!" Robin said he sounded happy.

"That's abit crazy don't you think?" I said questionably.

"What did he said to do?" Robin asked.

"To dig a deep hole big enough for The Grabber to fall in where I removed the tile." I told him.

He went over and started to dig he seemed to enthusiastic about it, that he started to get tired quickly.

"Robin, come lay down I'll carry on digging.." I said sighing he wants to get out but it will end up draining him.

He was sat against the wall next to the small hole he had started to dig, he wouldn't get up so I went over to him and knelt down next to him.

"Come on Robin, get some sleep, it looks late anyways..." I said in a small voice offering him my hand.

He took my hand and I took him to the bed letting him lay down.

I started to walk away over to where the hole was, "Tilly stay with me...please?" Robin muttered, woah. Normally he's all badass and he wants me to stay with him? What's up with him..

"I'll be there in a minute Robin.. I'm covering this up.." I told him. Mabye he's just like this when he's tired?

Robin Arellano pov:

I was lay on the bed, doesn't matter which way I face I'm greeted by a wall.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes looking over at Tilly. She was placing a mat over the hole I had created and flushing the dirt down the toilet. Smart.

I lay back down with a huff and the mattress bounced abit. I've been down here with Tilly for abit now and I've never noticed how pretty she actually is..

I felt the mattress bounce again, I turned around and it was Tilly she lay with her back to me and sighed.

"What was up with you earlier?" She asked me.

"What?" I said I didn't sound like my usual self because I was pretty tired.

"Asking me to stay with you and shit. Is that something you do when you're tired?" She asked me, she turned herself around and faced me.

I just made a slight 'mm' noise in response, "fair enough." She said

I tried to go to sleep, but Tilly kept on tossing and turning and it was honestly stressing me out and making it harder for me to sleep.

"Tilly stop it.." I whined

"Oh.. sorry.." she mumbled, "it's just kinda hard to sleep you know.." she said in a low voice.

I sighed to myself and opened my arms, "come here.." I said quietly.

"What? Why?" She asked shifting closer to me. She's asking why but moving closer.. idiot.

"Just come here and see if you stop moving, I do want some sleep you know." I grumbled.

She just giggled and came over next to me we both lay on our side she was holding into my now musty shirt whilst I had my arms around her waist.

I only thought about doing this to stop her fussing about.. but I got something in my stomach something I've never felt before.. I don't know what it is..

Here is your offical start on Rilly or Tobin which one idk.

Oh my also I keep seeing Rinney everywhere and it's stressing me out, they are friends best friends honestly its the 1970s-1980s they wouldn't be gay or out, like Finney likes Donna and Robin is just dead so. Like yeah, i mean if u ship it you do you but i just had to say sum

If anything they are soulmates in a friend way. Sorry I had to say it😧😭

Bye team👍🏻🌷🫶

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