Chapter- 18

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Tilly Mane pov:


"Yeah... it's me Tilly.." he said with a soft smile.

Darren. The horrible bastard. He left me and my mum when I was 7 because he wasn't ready for a family? He was already in a family for 7 years and then fucked off.

"Why are you here?" I asked making myself a cup of apple juice.

"Well I've been here for the past 3 days, when I heard about your disappearance 2months ago I had to come." He explained.

I just scoffed, "yeah I was kidnapped what? 3months ago? And you only came 3 days ago? How awfully kind of you.. Darren." I said sipping my apple juice out of anger.

"I was caught up in work, and do not call me Darren! I am your father for goodness sake." He said standing up. I didn't flinch instead I just gave him an evil stare.

I had been through hell down there, whatever my dad think's he can do to me. He can't, I won't let him.

"Caught up in work? Oh please. I was taken for goodness sake you could've left work and come here sooner, I'm your child once I'm gone I'm gone!" I yelled slightly giving him a glare.

My dad came around the table standing over me, I wasn't exactly tall and he was 6'1.

"Now you listen to young lady, I'm your father, you do as I say because I raised you." He gritted his teeth pointing his finger into my chest.

I slapped his hand away, I don't know what has come over me but I was livid.

"You haven't visited me in 6 years! 6 goddamn fucking years! I hadn't heard from you I didn't get anything from you, not even a fucking birthday card! It took me to get bloody kidnapped for you to come and see me and even then you still didn't seem to fucking care!" I yelled through my tears bashing my hand against the kitchen table next to me whilst keeping direct eye contact with my dad.

My mum looked at me in shock, but at the same time quite relived.

He grabbed my arm tight, I say grabbed it was more of a yank.

"Now you listen and you listen closely, like I said I raised you. I have full control over you. You do what I say when I say. Yes?" He asked me.

"No. I don't do what you say. And raised me? You was barely my father whilst you and mum was still together so I don't know what poor child you have been raising but it certainly wasn't me." I said to him, his tightness on my arm was stronger.

"Darren, now you let go of my daughter!" My mother stood up yelling.

He did let go of me but then walked over to my mum, slapping her across the face. He turned and looked at me again whilst my mum sat down in shock.

"Tilly fucking Mane. You are my daughter, you do as I say I'm the man and I'm in control." He said coming closer.

I turned around grabbing a knife of the table, call me crazy or whatever but have you just not met my dad?

I turned around to face my dad with the knife in hand.

"What gender roles are we pushing here?" I asked lifting the knife up to my face.

Now I wouldn't actually ever do anything with this knife it's more to scare him. Yes I just killed a man, but he deserved it.

My dad took a step back in shock.

"Tilly put the knife down you idiot, you don't need a knife nobody is going to hurt you in this room Tils." My dad said holding his hands up.

He's treating me like a criminal putting his hands up.

I shrugged my shoulders and dropped the knife on the kitchen table, "Don't ever call me Tils again, only people I love get to call me Tils. Oh and you aren't in control. You like to think you are but you're not, so keep thinking. But don't think to much your brain might explode. Though, that wouldn't be to bad ey?" I snickered at the end, I was having to much fun laughing that I hadn't realised where my dad was stood.

I opened my eyes,


He hit me.

I held my cheek in pure shock.

"Mabye that will teach you a lesson child." He scoffed.

I stood in shock before I heard yelling.

"Darren! Don't ever hit my child again! You filthy fucking scum-bag! What did I ever see in you! You treat people like shit to big yourself up you fucking coward!" My mum yelled hitting his chest. She may not be as strong as him but her courage to stand up against my dad she is truly amazing.

I smiled softly. Things like this that she does makes me love her, so fucking much.

"You have no rights over me." My dad said sternly.

"Darren, I ask you nicely to leave my house and never come back or I will be calling the police." My mum stated clenching her fists.

"What has gotten into the both of you?!" He asked yelling.

"What's gotten into you?! You fucking prick! You come back after 6 years and hit my child?! Go to hell!" My mum yelled.

He ignored what my mother said and turned to me, "so who's that b***** friend of yours Tilly." He asked with a slight smirk on his face.

"Friend? You mean boyfriend right? Oh and it's Robin, You wouldn't want to have a fight with him he'd go at you in Spanish and your sorry ass would cry your eyes out!" I laughed at the end.

"You can't be dating.. THAT! .. plus you need a white man not him." My father yelled.

"There's nothing wrong with Robin, he is well respected young gentleman, I like him very much I will have you know! And now get out my house you racist prick!" My mum yelled shooing him out the house. "Oh and never come back!" She yelled at him.

And with that, he drove off.

I ran up to my mum and gave her a hug, "you really mean what you said about Robin?" I asked.

"I do, he's a kind boy. He deserves a kind hearted girl like you dear.." my mum whispered holding me close.

It's moments like this I'll never forget.


Adventourous chapter indead.

Rip lizzy love you🤍🕊️🫶

Bye gals🫶🤭

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