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context: its been over a year since all of it happened, they choose to try and forget it
they are all 14 but Gwenny who is 12 (i think) Robin and Tilly are still together and they are closer, closer than they used to be. (not in a weird way, please dont take that the wrong way💀)

Tilly Mane pov:

"guys, do you want to come over tonight?" i asked Finney, Robin, Gwenn and Donna whilst sat eating our lunch.

"yeah, i can come Tils." Robin answered with a smile, whenever i offer for the group to come round my house he is always the first one to agree to come.. hes so sweet.

"i can ask our dad when we get back, but he probably will let us. gets us away from him you know." Finn said with a sad smile.

"oh im sorry Finn.." i said apologising.

"nah its fine." he smiled.

"i can come, im not doing anything this weekend." Donna said before taking a sip of her apple juice.

"actually how about a sleepover? my mum loves you guys so much she would just let you!" i laughed.

"fuck yeah!" Robin laughed.

"hell yeah!" Donna and Gwenn said at the same time, then looked at eachother and laughed.

"ok, sure!" Finney smiled putting rubbish in the bin next to us.

"ok then guys, see you tonight!" i smiled right as the bell went.

"how the fuck did she do that..." Finney whispered to Robin.

"no idea..." he answered.

i just laughed before making my way over to my next class, physics.

(if you don't understand what just happened, it's basically because she said 'see you tonight' right as the bell went so they r confused on how she got the timing so perfectly)


i was waiting for my mum outside of school when a girl i didn't like came up to me with a smug look on her face.

"hello Casey?" i said, confused on why she came up to me.

"hey Tilly, you know one day Robins gonna fall out of love with you and he will be mine." she said proudly getting all up in my face.

i put my finger on her chest and pushed her away, "good for you, i mean IF he did break up with me i wouldn't go for you." i said looking at her.

"you think you're so fucking cool don't you? because you killed the fucking grabber?" she slightly yelled at me.

hearing his name made me stiffen, it made me think about it again.

"awww, you scared?" she said wait a sad face and then laughed.

"fuck off you fake barbie." i said with a straight face, i don't exactly want her to see me as weak, she'd tell the whole fucking school.

"awww, what's wrong can't handle it?" she said and then laughed with her friends.

"you don't know what it was like, to be down there and be tortured, fed only eggs and lemonade, having to beg him not to do stuff to you." i said, i paused for a minute and looked her, "don't you ever bring him up around me again, me and robin had to fight for ourselves down there.. just.. fuck off.." i said, just then my mum pulled up and i got into the car.

i slammed the car door shut and most likely had a foul look on my face, "are you okay Tils?" my mum asked

"mm yeah, im fine.. Caseys being a bitch again.." i said to her.

Together in hell | Robin ArellanoWhere stories live. Discover now