Chapter- 11

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Robin Arellano pov:

My head aches, it feels like my head is almost about to burst, my vision is slightly blurry but I can still see. 

I sat up slightly leaning on my elbows looking forward.

"Why would you do that?"

"I- do what..?" I asked the voice.

"Try to leave.." by the sound of the voice and my blurry vision I realised it was The Grabber.

"I-uh- I don't know.." I said quietly

"I should kill the both of you right now!" He said angrily.

"Why haven't you.." I asked him, I could see clearly now looking at The Grabber, his mask had changed. The mouth looked different.

"Because you two.." he paused, "you two are special.. I want you alive longer.." he said before standing up. "Oh and Tilly should wake up soon, I didn't hit her that hard." He finished and left the basement locking the door behind him.

That fucker.

I felt something on my back, it some kind of liquid probably blood. I put my hand on my back and sure enough it was blood that most likely had been coming from my head.

Tilly Mane pov:

"Ahh.. fucking hell.." I groaned turning on my side.

I heard a gasp, "you're awake!"

I opened my eyes and blinked a bit, oh. Robin is still here.



"I thought you ran!" I said to him sitting up quickly.

I went all dizzy and my head was basically spinning, I felt like I was going to be sick.

"I couldn't leave you here, not with him.." he defended himself.

I blinked my eyes, "you're a fucking idiot, you could have saved yourself and left me I would have been fine!" I protested

"Are you being serious? I've just risked my life to be with you and you aren't grateful?" He scoffed.

"Why would I be grateful for your stupidity? You could have ran and called the police but nooooo you just had to come back!" I yelled, honestly yelling kinda hurt my head a little bit but I have to get my point across.

"I couldn't leave you down here to die!" He carried on.

"Yeah well now we are together!" I scoffed to him.

"Together where? A fucking basement!" He yelled at me.

"No we are together in hell.." I said looking at the floor.

He was speechless, he just sat there I'm guessing looking at me. I think it actually hit him.

"Oh for fuck sake!" He stood up and punched a wall.

"Robin!" I gasped, "stop it you twat!" I said walking over to him and grabbing his arm to stop him.

His knuckles look exactly like they did after he fought moose, bloody as hell. You could already tell that they was starting to bruise a bit.

"You really are a moron.." I grumbled under my breathe.

He just huffed at me, "I should have ran now that I think about it, gosh heat of the moment and all." He said.

I just hummed at him looking at his knuckles, "How are we exactly supposed to strap these up with nothing?" I said to him.

"Dunno? Just leave it." He shrugged.

*ring ring*

I shook my head, "no."
"Fuck you."
"Stupid bitch."
It only kept on ringing.

I got up and went over to the phone, "what, what do you want?" No answer, "Do you even know who you are?!" I yelled through the phone.

"What kinda shit question is that! Do you even know who you are?" The voice asked Robin was stood right next to me with his ear close to the phone so he could listen.

"Yeah, I'm Tilly Mane?" I asked confusingly.

"Holy shit, that's Vance Hopper!" Robin yelled.

"Yeah sure whatever, right here this is it!" 'Vance' said angrily through the phone.

"This is what?" I asked.

"The nightmare end of your pathetic little life, Tilly Mane and Robin Arellano." I scoffed to myself.

"Uhmm? Yeah what I don't understand." I said to Vance.

"You gonna listen then? Or you got somewhere else to be?" He asked me angrily.

"No no no I'm all ears.." I said eagerly

"Opposite the shitter there's that wall mabye about 2ft up there should be a freezer on the other side, if you can take the panel of and get into the storage room you can escape. Once the fucker saw what I had done he had to spend a fortune to get it fixed." He laughed at the end, that was alot to take in.

"Ok, anything else?" I asked Vance.

"Trust me Tilly Mane if you knew what you had coming you'd be fucking terrified! Todays the day Mother-Fucker!" Vance said through the phone.

"Thanks Vance!" I said to him.

"Thanks? For what?" He scoffed.

"For helping me?" I questioned.

"Huh! This isn't about you fuck him!" He yelled through the phone.

I dropped the phone and my ears began to ring, I don't know where Robin went probably to start digging the wall.

I fell the floor and had my hands over my ears, using my feet to push myself against the wall, glass bottles came flying to the side of me.

Everything stopped.

Shaken up, I slowly stood up, to see Robin destroying the wall, well ok then. Wait? Is he using part of the toilet?! Oh my..

The phone rang again, I made my way quickly towards the phone, "Hello? Vance is that you again?" I asked.

"No, I was a paper boy, call me paper boy." He said.

"Ok... paper boy, what should I do?" I asked him.

"See the wall to the right?" He asked.

"Yeah.. yeah I do." I said.

"Do you see how there's abit of a crack between the floor and the wall, I hid a wire in there." It ended the call just ended just as he told me about the wire.

I put the phone back in its holder and made my way over to the wall, the sound of Robin chipping at the wall was all you could hear.

Finally I found the wire, what could I do with this, it was a relatively long wire...

Wait, I have just the idea. Smirking to myself I walked over to where the hole was and started to see how I'd be able to make a booby trap.

Booby is a funny word to me, it isn't ok help.


HHAHAHA no but ily all🫶

Bye mush🫶😻

Together in hell | Robin ArellanoWhere stories live. Discover now