Chapter 5 - The End of the Prologue

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"Oi, you bastard!"

I had just opened the door to my room for Kushida, but the moment I let her inside and locked the door, she started yelling at me.

I, of course, opted to remain silent. Talking would just make the situation worse, I'll talk once she's done.

Once she settled down and dropped down on my bed, I finally got a good look at her.

She was still wearing her school uniform, possibly since she was getting dragged around by her friends and didn't have the time to get changed.

The usual cute girl expression that she has was nowhere to be seen. In it's place was a scowl, though for some reason it fits her just as well as her other face.

"Here are some refreshments. " I didn't really know what her prefences in beverages are so I went with the safe bet of water.

Once Kushida got a good look on the drinks on the table, her frown deepened.

"Next time prepare a better drink. I don't think a regular glass of water will satisfy me once I'm done. " Fair enough.

I remained silent, urging her to finally start what she came here to do, rant about how much she hates people.

"The girls were so fucking annoying! All because I decided to eat lunch with you-" And so it begins.

She went for almost an hour. Nobody was safe from her words. The shy girls? Nope. Boys who try amd hit on her? Of course not. Even I wasn't safe from her wrath. Though a lot of her complaints do stem from the fact that we ate lunch together earlier.

Once she was done and had gulped down her glass of water, I took the opportunity to ask for an update on the task I had set her out to do.

"Any new info? " I ask, hoping for a satisfactory answer.

"Nope. All of them tried to avoid talking about the internal affairs of their classes. I can understand why they wouldn't want to talk about but those shitheads made it so obvious that they were forced to keep quiet or something like that!"


"They'd avoid the topic like the plague and once I got forceful and just straight up asked them, they'd give me an evasive answer! Really, can't they be as worse at keeping class info as they are in keeping secrets."

"What classes wod you say those students are from?"

She put on a thinking pose before answering, " I think they were from either Class A or Class C. Honestly it could have been both."

"I see. Continue with what you've been doing and make sure no one suspects anything."

"Fine, fine. You got it boss." She gave me a mock salute, her face one of absolute seriousness, right before falling into a giggling fit.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask her. It wouldn't be too hard to adjust the food to make it so two people could eat contentedly.

"But I'm not-" Kushida got cut off as the distinct sound of her stomach rumbling could be heard in the room. I know that she was going to say she wasn't hungry but your body can't lie now can it?

Kushida flushed in embarassment, turning her head away so that I couldn't see how her face was crimson.

"I... guess I could eat..." She replied in a hushed tone.

And so we spent the rest of the night eating dinner and chatting about random topics. Occasionally, Kushida would ask a question that would give her a bit of information on me. I usually dismiss those questions or answer them vaguely.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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