Chapter 3: Don't Leave Me

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TW: This chapter is about Chifuyu getting drunk, so if you are uncomfortable with that topic, I advise you skip this chapter. This chapter also contains mentions of vomiting and sex. 

Ok, maybe I over reacted a bit. In more than one way.

It's nearly 11pm when I hear the front door open and Baji strides in. Or maybe it's 6am. Or midday. It's hard to tell when the clock won't stay still. "Hey, sorry, Draken invited me for a smoke and time got away from me."

He waits a few moments before adding, "We stayed away from the topic of sex." Oh my god, that was so funny. My throat actually hurts from laughing so hard. Or it might have something to do with the eight bottles of beer I downed in four hours. Or the full bottle of vodka I washed it all back with in two more hours.

Baji is clearly oblivious to how drunk I am. That much is clear as he joins me on the couch, taking my sweaty hand in his own wind-bitten one. I don't even look at him as he rests his head on my shoulder. "I hate not being around you, especially when we're in a fight. I'm sorry." His voice is so soft, I can only just hear it over the roaring in my ears.

"Are we ok?" I nod absentmindedly and Baji brings his lips to mine. The kiss sobers me up enough to enjoy it but not to try pulling Baji back when he pulls away, grimacing at me. "Are you drunk?" I shrug and slouch onto his shoulder loosely.  Baji shrugs me off and stands up. "How many drinks did you have?"

I start getting up, slowly. "A few," I mumble, swaying as I walk towards the hallway. I barely make it three steps before I double over and vomit all over the hardwood floor. I pant as my vision begins to clear up a bit.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Chifuyu! How much did you drink?" "I already told you, a few." But Baji ignores me, jogging over to the kitchen. He runs a hand through his hair as he takes in the empty bottles sitting on the bench.

"Five beers? That's not a few, Matsuno. That's a lot more than you should have in one sitting." I wince at Bajis' tone. "Eight, actually. And a bottle of vodka. I left them in the bedroom." Baji looks at me, then at the pool of vomit at my feet, then at the beer bottles, before looking back at me. He keeps going like this, looking stupefied and I have a horrible thought.

I suddenly remember a girl Kazutora dated for a while, who left him when she found him blind drunk on his couch. Walked in, saw him, walked out. No text, no explanation. He never heard from her again. What if Baji does the same thing?

The thought shakes me to the bone and I feel like I'm going to throw up again. I cover my face, becoming more and more aware of how hot it is. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I open my eyes to find Baji standing in front of me. The anger has faded from his face, replaced with concern. "Chi, are you ok?"

I grip his shirt in my fists and hang my head, trying to push back the stream of tears I feel gathering at the corners of my eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, it's ok. We can clean it up, no big deal. You're going to wake up with a blinder of a headache, though."

I take a shaky breath as the tears begin to fall. "Don't leave me, Baji, please. I'm sorry for everything, I'm never drinking again. And I'll never complain about anything you do. Just...Don't leave me. I need you." The pride I feel when I don't trip on my words makes the tears come faster. I bury my head in Bajis chest, inhaling his scent as he wraps his arms around me, dragging me away from the puddle of my insides.

"Woah, what? Where is this coming from?" I don't respond, just cry harder, my tears soaking Bajis shirt. "Chi? I'm nothing like Mei, if that's what your worried about." He knows exactly what I'm talking about, as always. "I'm not going anywhere, idiot. Not because you got drunk or because you got pissy about me talking about our private life."

I snort. "I did get pretty pissy, didn't I?" Baji hugs me tighter. "Yeah, just a bit." I take a deep, shaky breath and force my sobs to stop, but make no move to untangle myself from him. "You're stuck with me and there's nothing you can do about it." He gently grasps my shoulders and pulls me away to look me in the eye.

"I love you, Chifuyu Matsuno." I wipe my eyes and give my boyfriend a sleepy smile. "I love you too, Baji Keisuke." Baji pulls me in again, enveloping me in a warm citrus scented hug. I shut my eyes, squeezing Bajis waist and swaying a little. "Those girls would sell their souls to be me right now. Fact." Every word is slurred, but Baji laughs, like I knew he would.

I yelp in fright as he scoops me up suddenly and carries me into our room, setting me down on the bed softly. I attempt to lift his shirt up as he's leaning over me, but he pulls away and adjusts his shirt, walking back to lean against the door frame. He shakes his head. "I'm not having sex with you while you're drunk, Chi. You reek of vomit and alcohol."

Baji's voice is quiet, but firm, leaving no room for argument. "I'm going to clean up the living room and crash on the couch tonight. I'll call Kaz in the morning to see if he can fill in for you tomorrow." I shake my head, which makes the room spin even more.

"He had a date, he's either gonna be hung over or at her place." "Then I'll call Seijin. Or Mitsuya. But you are not going to work tomorrow, that's for damn sure." Baji gives me a tight-lipped smile. He looks as tired as I feel, if not, more.

"Try to get some sleep. Goodnight, Chifuyu." "Night, ponytail," I mumble. I don't have time to hear if he chuckles or not before I fall into a fitful sleep.

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