Chapter 5: Not-So-Good Morning!

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CW: This chapter contains sexual scenarios that may cause some readers discomfort.

The sound of someone screaming wakes me at around 8:30 on Thursday. It takes a few seconds and a burning in my throat for me to realise I'm the one screaming.

Baji comes running in as I begin choking on sobs, tears flooding my face. Before I can even take a breath, Bajis arms are around me, stifling me. "Shh, it's ok. I'm here, I'm here."

His soothing voice is so different to the bitter tone he had in my dream. The memory of his hollowed out eyes makes me wail even more. Baji strokes my hair and rubs my back.

"It's just a dream, it's not real. And it's over now." After a while, my sobs subside and I pull away to look into Bajis worried eyes, tucking a strand of dark hair behind his ear. "Are you-" I cut him off by gripping his face and kissing him, hard.

He stiffens a bit and I'm worried that he's going to push me off again, but then he melts against me and every thought leaves my head. I groan at his taste, eyes drifting closed, before flying open again as Baji slides a hand up the back of my shirt.

The sly challenge in his eyes is what prompts me to return the favour by slipping my hand up the front of his singlet. As I run my fingers over the sculpted plane of his chest, Baji guides his knee in between my legs, holding him up so that the only thing separating our torsos is a few centimetres.

He pulls back a little, hair falling on my face and I begin to protest. But then he maneuvers his head down and brings his mouth to my neck, nipping and sucking just beneath my ear. I'm about to moan when Baji pulls away, looking regretful. "Nooo, don't stop, who told you to stoooop?" I whine. Baji kisses the tip of my nose.

"I'm sorry, Chi, but I have to get to work. Hina's gonna be here in half an hour and she's bringing sushi." Baji gets up and tugs on a t-shirt, before snapping a hair tie around his bunched up hair. "The kettle's boiled, so if you want tea, get it before the water goes cold. There are potato chips and a few other snacky things that should help your hangover in the pantry. Remember, egg always helps."

I heave myself up and sit chewing my lip as Baji rushes about, pulling pants on over odd socks, putting a belt on the wrong way, sliding his phone into his pocket.

"I don't like egg," I explain sulkily. Baji leans down and kisses my forehead. "I know, babe." He runs out, grabbing the car keys as he goes. "Love you! See you tonight!" Then the door slams and he's gone.

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