Chapter 9: Hello Again...

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No TW's this week! Enjoy xx

Two weeks pass before I hear from Seijin again. Bajis hanging out with Draken while I'm at work and it's a pretty slow day, so I take the opportunity to restock the dog toys. I prefer to do work around the store when no one's coming in so the customers don't have to ring the bell on the counter.

Baji insisted on getting the bell that made the loudest, shrillest dinging noise that echoes through the shop (and your brain) for the rest of the day. "So we can always be alert", he claimed. But I know it was just to be funny. Which it's not.

I head into the back to retrieve the large box of chew toys delivered with the most recent shipment. I jump when I come back through and see Seijin sitting on the counter, with her back to me, gazing out the window. I sigh, loudly, to make them aware of my presence and when they don't, I slam the door, hard. They leap off the counter and face me, surprise stretching their otherwise neutral features. She gives me a wary smile and I return it, tightly.

"Hey." I slowly make my way to the counter. "Hi," Seijin responds, looking away and rubbing her neck. Once I reach the counter and place the box on it, I allow myself to properly look at Seijin.

They seem brighter, happier, even, and instead of the dark gloomy makeup they insist on caking their face with most days, they're wearing bright pink lipstick and almost no other makeup. She's wearing a form fitting black turtleneck and skin-tight black jeans, with their dark and blonde streaked hair hanging loosely down their back.

Around their wrist sits the silver watch Mikey gave them when they were younger, gold hoops hanging from their ear and have a golden heart locket I've never seen before rests on their collar bone. I'm surprised to see the large canvas bag hanging over her shoulder. One of the many things Seijin flat out refuses to do is carry any form of bag, purse or clutch around. "If I can't access it on my phone or buy it at a convenience store, I don't need to leave the house with it." This is what they live by.

"What's with the bag, eh?" I ask, nodding at it and Seijin follows my line of sight, nodding. "Oh, yeah, Kaz's hung over and we're out of milk and eggs and fruit...Basically, everything. And I might be talented, but making dinner out of soy sauce and old bananas might have an uncomfortable result." She laughs a bit at herself.

"And since I was already walking around, I thought I'd drop in and...Say hi?" "Ah, yes, walking." Seijin has a tendency for reckless driving, which, more often than not, ends with them in a cop car and getting their license revoked. I can't say I'm surprised that it's happened again in the two weeks we haven't been talking. What shocks me more than anything is how she hasn't completely lost her license.

Her gaze drifts away, a thoughtful look taking up her delicate features. Even I, with my little to no knowledge on women (with the whole, you know, gay thing), can tell how beautiful they are. I place my hands on the counter and sigh.

"What's on your mind, Seijin? Talk to me." Seijin smiles softly. "Remember how I told you about my fertility appointment the other week?" I nod. "I went back on Friday like I said I would. And..." Their eyes cloud over as tears begin to spill from their eyes. I give them a sympathetic look. "Aw, Seij. I'm so sor-" "It worked." I stare at them, stunned. "What?" "It worked." Seijin wipes her eyes and smiles widely. "I'm pregnant."

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