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Namjoon's POV:

Sighing I leaned back a bit comfortably on the sofa while looking at Jin who is still not awake ,
I then looked at my shoulder where Kook was laying down sleeping now tired of crying a lot..

Well what can I even say as we both cried together in both thankfulness and pain.
Thankful that Jin's Condition is Okk for now , but how can it not be painful for a parent to see their child suffering , he is going through so much pain .
He was having so much fun at that moment but look at the other moment how much pain he had to go through...

He is suffering so-so much ..


"Joon Hyung wake up ..",
I heard Kook's Voice making me groan ,

" Agh Let me sleep!!",
I groaned out ,

"Hyung Jin is awake !!",He said making me immediately open my eyes as all the sleep went away from my eyes ..

I looked at Jin who was trying to get up making both me and Kook go to him immediately ,
"Jin son don't get up like this you are weak !!",
I said but he started to sob ,
"I w...want Eomma..",
He cried for Yogeom ,
Making me still I tried to go near him,

"Jin stop crying son look I am here for you ..",I tried to Comfort him but only to be pushed away by him , as he continued to cry wanting Yogeom ,

"But Jin he can't be here he..",

" Hey Jinnie , Stop crying look it's not good for you ..",
said Jungkook and hugged the weeping Seokjin who to my surprise , didn't rejected him and snuggled up to him , basking his comfort ,
even now Kook is the only one who comforts him the best , even if he doesn't even remember him anymore ...


"Okk Young boy don't cry like that again okay look how worried everyone was !!",
The doctor Softly scolded Seokjin , who somehow has Developed attachment with Kook clinging to him like a Koala ,
like even I don't understand for him Kook is a stranger but he still clings to him ,

" You may rest now you will be discharged in the evening ok!!",
He said to which Jin said Okay and thanks .

Once the doctor was gone I went to him and ruffled his hair making him whine and snuggle to Jungkook who smiled ,

"You worried us Seokjin !",
I said softly ,

"Btw Jin you don't even know this uncle so why are you hugging him instead of uncle ??",
I questioned Seokjin who looked at me and then Jungkook ,
with a soft voice he said something which warmed my heart

"I..I don't know j..just the presence of uncle comforts me in a way I have felt for only one person ,
a..also I know he was the o..one to save me s..so...",
He stooped as he felt embarrassed and broke his hug with Kook ,

"U..Uncle I am sorry for hugging you like this you must be feeling uncomfortable right!",
He said Embarrassed,
making Jungkook and me coo at our son's Cuteness ,

"No son , it is ok I am sure you must be so scared from the whole incident hmm ..",

He said as he caressed Jin's head ,

"But Jin also remember to be careful as well son , we never know ,
what if I might be a stranger to your Uncle and might take advantage of the situation to hurt you ,
you need to be always careful Okk!!",
Jungkook said Making Jin nod cutely in agreement ,

"Yess Uncle...",Jin looked at Kook with doe eyes ,
"Jeon Jungkook son ,Uncle Jungkook , I am uncle Namjoon's hus....F..Friend , yeah I am his friend !!",
Jungkook said softly , but I know the sadness we both felt at this statement , from husband's to Friends ,
well yeah better than enemies one might say but it just plainly hurts ...

At time like this I wonder should I really hide about Jin from my husbands , because years ago it was not only me who Loosed their whole self after loosing Jin ,
they too loosed their ownselves.....

Also I know that Yoongi is the Doctor whom I can trust the most with Jin's health...

Heck I can trust all 5 of them when it comes to them ,
because for all 6 of us Seokjin our son is our whole life !!!

Our Everything !!

BANGTAN'S LITTLE JINNIE (PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now