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"Okk I can do it !! I can do it!!!",
I said to my own self taking a deep breath and then clicked on the result button.

Yes the scholarship result us coming out today , I just hope I will be in the list ,
I have worked so-so hard.

Okk so here comes the list I said looking through it and soon enough squealed out loud in Joy ,

" I made it !! I made it in SNU!!!",
I said smiling wide , my name is in the list is in the 7th place out of the 15 students .

" I finally made it in now all I need is to persuade Eomma and Appa to send me to Seoul which is the hardest task to be done!!!",
I said to myself with a sigh !!

With that I stood up from the study table laying down on my bed .

"I have heard Seoul is really Beautiful !!",
I said smiling and daydreaming about it only to soon after ending up sleeping .

Yogeom's POV:

I smile as I entered my son's Room who is Sleeping soundly .
Walking up to him I sit on the side next to him and gently Stroked his Hair ,

'I wish me and your Appa could provide you with all but don't worry we will soon let you have all the fortune and Love you deserve ,
but just for sometime ,
I know we are selfish ,
but just for a bit my baby let me have you by my side!!',
I thought to myself as I teared up a bit ,

" Umm Eomma!?",
questioned Jin sleepily as he looked up at me with big doe eyes ,

"W..why are you crying..Eomma??", he said Immediately hugging me tight ,

"Nothing baby just got something in my eyes !!",
I said hugging him tighter .

I hope Eomma can take all of you pain from you My Jinnie !!


"Well here is both of your food !!" ,
I said smiling widely and myself also sitting down as we ate our dinner ,

"Eomma ,Appa btw I have something I wanna Talk about but after dinner!!", Jin said looking up from his food , to which Jae looked at him and smiled softly ,

"Sure son but lets first have our dinner hmm!!",
Jae said making Jin nod happily and resume eating ,
While I wondered what could it be ??

"No Jin you are not going to Korea and that is Final !!!",
I shouted Harshly at my baby who flinched and crying he ran to his room .

The moment he ran away I too fell on the floor with a thud crying out ,
" Babe !!", Jae shouted and immediately took me in his lap hugging me ,

"H..He wants to go..T..to Korea Jae..o..our son Jae they will take him away ...H..he will leave us ...Hate us !!",
I said crying , no I can't let my baby hate me and resent me...No !!

"Babe ...Babe ..Yogeom!!!",
shouted Jae At me making me flinch and look up at him he smiled sadly and said ,

" You know we needed to let him go sooner or later hmm ,
More than the 2 of us right now Jin needs his Real family the one that can save him , you know that right!!",
he said softly but he too was crying as I broke down more .

"I..I know..B..But I..it's hurts to let him go and what will happen when he learns the truth he will hate us he will Resent us Jae !!",

I said crying but all he did was cry as well while hugging me .

BANGTAN'S LITTLE JINNIE (PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now