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Jungkook's POV:

I smiled sadly as I caressed the hair of my son who ended up sleeping in my arms hugging me , I have missed him so much for the past 19 years , I basically was just like a dead person , After all that one incident took away my everything , my son and my husbands, I loosed it all .

A tear unconsciously rolled down my eyes thinking about the pain , I miss my old family , I miss our lives from before , I.."Kook..",I heard Namjoon Hyung's Worried voice making me come out of my thoughts , I looked at him to see his eyebrows furrowed, he softly wiped my tears and caressed my face ,"W..why!?",this one question made me want to cry out loud but I just bit on my lips so as to not cry out loud Waking up Jin.

"Come with me outside hmm.", Hyung said as I nodded slowly and with his help placed Jin on the bed laying him down careful enough to not wake him up.
Once I was Done hyung grabbed my hand taking me out of the room.

Namjoon's POV:

I took Jungkook outside of the hospital with me to know why he is crying , " Why are you crying Jungkook-ah!?",I asked concerned looking at the said male looking down silently crying ,"Kook..",I was stopped by him as he threw himself in my arms making me stumble but Still I held maintained my balance holding onto him ,"H...Hyung!!",He cried nuzzling my Neck as I Hugged him tightly rubbing his back ,"Tell me kook..",I softly whispered to him who lifted his head from my head and looked at me with his same old doe eyes ,"What are we now !?",He questioned ,"What do you mean!?",I asked confused ,"We hyung , you, me and the rest of the hyungs , Jinnie asked a question today who I am to him , To you , but all I could say was a friend , a friend to you but for the rest of my husbands stranger , Hyung I..I don't like this anymore , being away from you , my son and the rest of my husbands, I hate it!!",he shouted crying , "I hate it!!After years we finally found Jin , I want my family back...I want them back !!", He said crying even harder , I too started crying at this and pulled him into a hug ," I too want that Kook , I want you , Jin and rest of my husbands , my world with me , I want y..you back ,I..I want my family back...",I said crying finally letting all those emotions I held back saying I hate them , I finally let it go and so did maybe as we both cried in each other's embrace letting our years of pain ,sorrow and regrets go.



"let me help hyung !", Jungkook said as he helped me with my tie making me smile and once he was done I gave him a peck on his lips making him smile and blush , " Uncle!",Came the soft voice from outside my room as the door knocked ,"Come in Jin-ah!!",I said and there he came inside the room smiling ,"Good Morning Joonie Uncle and Kookie Uncle !!", He said smiling wide making both me and Kook to coo at him ,"Good morning to you as well son, Today you are going back to college after your break hmm you need to be careful and take care of yourself ,wait do you feel any pain or anything anymore , If so we will.."I was stopped by Kook who interrupted me ,"Hyung if Jin felt anything he will tell right son!?"Kook asked Jin who nodded in agreement ,"Uncle don't worry look I am back to normal , all fit and healthy!!"Jin siad smiling as Kook went to him and ruffled his hair ,"Let's go and eat breakfast now I am sure none of us 3 want to be late !", Kook said as Both me and Jin Agreed loudly while we all laughed .

BANGTAN'S LITTLE JINNIE (PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now