Chapter 1

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The entire batch of 129 students are still settling in when the professor walks in. Six feet tall and built to take the weight of the world on his broad shoulders.

Shoulders that are draped by a black coat today. Strong legs swiftly pacing into the hall are clad in a pair of white trousers.

A thumping chest that cages his deepest desires within the confines of his robust ribs seldom peaks out through his neatly ironed shirts. The buttons go all the way up to the collar that sits crisply over his shoulder bones.

Today however, it's a black linen shirt matching the midnight hues of his coat. He had not bothered to button up at the way. With just the right moment, you can see his collar bones peaking out for a sultry second or two.

By the time the professor smacks his belongings on to the table, he is greeted by the usual pin drop silence interrupted only by fluttering pages of study materials. He likes it the old school way so he urges students to try depending more on physical books as often as they can. And he never punishes any pupil for studying from a previous use book or even borrowing one from the campus library.

Kim Namjoon has never instilled fear in any students. On the contrary to popular belief, the students obey his unsaid orders because he has made learning a disciplined yet fun experience. Just last semester, the professor brought an escort and a queer priest for a debate over the subject of social morality.

Needless to say, the board keeps trying time and again to replace him with someone a little less controversial but of course the student union is ready to fight and keep him around as long as he wants to stay.

This semester so far has been fairly smooth sailing except for one unruly students. A trust fund brat who's family own almost every big commercial building downtown and are one of the biggest doners of the university from generations.

"Hoba!" he announces "Are we all set for today's presentation?" and the student responds "Yes professor. All set!".

Today is the final set of presentations by 26 of the last remaining students who were told to redo their project on 'What to do with the one bad apple in the bunch? Leave it in or throw it out?".

The students are divided into two groups before the debate begins. Both sides present some brilliant arguments as Namjoon sits on the wooden chair that is usually tucked away behind his desk. He shifts his weight every now and then as he observes the arguments and takes notes.

The bell rings just in time for the debate to be concluded and Namjoon dismisses the class for the week. It's just a few hours till weekend officially begins and Prof. Namjoon can't wait to unwind over a bottle of Soju and maybe some delicious looking snack. He has his eyes set on one for almost a month now.

Everyone thanks the professor for sending them all the necessary notes and home tasks via email before they all step out to the narrator corridor one by one until it's just him and that one notoriously student left.

"Professor?" the student asks and Namjoon sighs before responding "Leave Hoba! You did great. We will talk about the rest next week.".

The student inches towards him and lays one hand on his shoulder. Prof. Namjoon is not a fan of brats, at least not in his lecture hall. He turns, strategically grabbed the other's wrist and pinned the captive palm on to the wooden top of his desk.

"Do that again one more time and I will kick you out of my class." he says before he let's go of the other's hand, grabs his belongings and walks out.


Jung Hoseok has always gotten what he wanted. Designer clothes, expensive cars, beautiful people, anything his eyes linger on are his almost instantly.

It is only natural that The Jung Hoseok, Heir to the infamous JHS Enterprise, has been extremely obsessive of the one man who refuses to bow to his demands.

He has time and again tried enticing his Philosophy Professor but the man lectures him on ethics before treating him like a childish adult and walks away.

Hoseok wipes the grim off his face as he follows Namjoon out of the lecture hall. He keeps a safe distance from the professor as they exit the building. Namjoon heads over to the faculty lounge as Hoseok walks towards the parking lot near the west wing.

He steps into his vehicle and finds himself undoing his jeans and sliding his hands in, giving himself a few strokes as he recalls the way his professor practically pinned him down on the desk. His breathing gets rapid and his chest dances with the waves of emotions running through him as he progresses his pace.

A knock on his tinted windows pulls him back into reality and Hoseok quickly fixes himself up before rolling down the window.

"WHAT?" he questions with a mix of hollow rage and residual lust in his eyes. His timid batches replies "Sorry! You dropped this near the west wing.".

"Have you been following me again? Were you watching me jerk off you perv?" Hoseok questions out loud and the batchmate simply lowers their gaze while tucking their books impossibly close to their chest.

He grabs the file and flicks it to the back seat before strapping himself in and driving out of the campus.

The batchmate breathes a sigh of relief as they walk toward the exit. It was not a good idea to interrupt Hoseok. But they just wanted to help, in any way Hoseok would let them.

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