Chapter 7 🔞

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Jungkook is still in bed when the phone rings.

"Babe!" he says in between kisses "Babe! *kiss* Let me *kiss* just *kiss* one second!".

And when he successfully manages to push the other off himself, he leaps towards the night stand and grabs his phone.

"Hello?" he answers the call.

A voice on the other end says "Where's Namjoon?".

"Who is this?" he questions.

"How did you pull it off?" the unknown caller asks.

Jungkook doesn't engage and hang up the call before getting back on bed. He has better things to do than answer the dozens of stupid questions pouring in after the serial killer case was finally closed.

The next morning he finds a bunch of paperwork on his desk that require him to give a full report on how Hoseok and Namjoon must have gone missing from the same house.

He fills them up as best he can. And after a bunch of briefings and a few angry calls from his supervisors, he is heading back home again.

Life isn't as exciting anymore, at least not at work. The seemingly big cases coming in are mild at best and Jungkook doesn't even bother to want in on their investigative teams. He happily does his desk job that is given to him as a punishment for loosing an asset as valuable as Namjoon.

Jimin moved in a few months ago and brought Taehyung with him. Yoongi decided to rent out his own apartment and move everyone to the one Namjoon once rented out from him.

It made sense for them to move to the bigger space now that there were four individuals living together. Plus the bedroom Namjoon used was soundproof so Jungkook could actually sleep even when Yoongi decided to play giddy up cowboy with Jimin.

Taehyung on the other hand was a different kind of menace. The man never slept. He would spend 48 straight hours working, playing video games and getting laid and then the next 12 hours sleeping like a log in the couch.

Jungkook doesn't mind. It's nice having him around. They aren't friends yet. It's just formal and convenient to have the other around. But they make it work.

Jimin is making dinner and Yoongi is setting up the table when Jungkook walks in.

"Hey baby bro!" Yoongi yells out with excitement and Jungkook knows he's had a great day. Yoongi usually calls him baby bro when he has had a very productive day. It makes Jungkook happy to know that things are finally getting calm.

"Hey! I'll take a quick shower. You guys start without me ok?"

Yoongi smiles and looks at Jimin before saying "Sure! Take your time.".

Jungkook walks past an over excited Taehyung still playing video games. He is currently yelling at some teenager half a world away for not covering him during some make believe ambush situation.

He shuts his bedroom door and places his bag on the chair next to his wardrobe. It's his "can hold anything and everything" chair which turns into his laundry basket, his book sheet and his make shift dining table for midnight ramen as and when necessary.

His shirt comes off after he closes his draped. It's hung inside the wardrobe right next to his pants. As he checks the shower for hot water, his phone rings again. An unknown number for the 16th time today. He hangs up the call and turns off the phone for the rest of the night.

When he finally steps into the shower, the warm water washes away almost every mental stress. Anything that's left is purely physical.

And as he reaches for the soap dispenser on the wall to his right, a familiar hand beats him to it.

Professor Namjoon AU | NSFW 🔞Where stories live. Discover now