Chapter 2

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Namjoon loves his non working weekends. They come by so rarely that he goes all out when he finally gets to have two whole days of pampering himself. He strongly believes in self love and self care. So he meticulously plans every little detail.

He has booked a private space in a restaurant he enjoys visiting. His friends have already been informed not to contact him or drop by at his place unannounced. And his special snack has been ordered as well.

Apparently his treat for the weekend was flown in all the way from the southern coast. Aged to perfection and priced like fine wine, Park Jimin, as the agency mentioned in the email, will be catering to all his needs. The 20 something Companion For Hire will be at his doorsteps by noon.

Namjoon is an old soul so he will be taking the young man out for dinner and discuss everything face to face before he can enjoy his dessert for the night. And if things go well, he might keep Park Jimin for the whole weekend.

Needless to say, no one has been able to handle a whole weekend with Professor Kim Namjoon so far but something tells him Park Jimin isn't as delicate or as rigid as he seems in the website pictures.

It's noon soon enough and Namjoon gets ready to greet Jimin. He is supposed to arrive at his home with a manager, the usual guy who handles all of Namjoon's picks. And Jimin will be making the final decision whether they need a hotel room or Namjoon's flat will suffice.

Of course the opulent penthouse is more than accommodating and fully stocked for almost every possible need but Namjoon always agrees to let the men decide their preferred space.

He knows it's more than just the sense of comfort. A feeling of safety is important and he isn't opposed to a more public setup inside a hotel if someone needs that level of assurance.

The doorbell of his apartment rings and Namjoon promptly opens with a smile on his face. His eyes catch the stunning view of Park Jimin dressed in a slick black leather jacket, skinny fit denim jeans and a loosely fitted t-shirt. Pink hair and pink lips make the man look like a dessert Namjoon must take all his time to savor tonight.

The young man walks around the apartment and approves of the space before his manager leaves. Namjoon closes the door and walks over to the living room where Jimin is comfortable nestling into Namjoon's easy chair.

"You read a lot, huh?" Jimin questions while grazing his fingers through the stack of books laying on the coffee table.

Namjoon smirks. That is the first thing he hears the other say after entering his home. Everything so far has been a nod of his head or a flick of his wrist. Namjoon definitely likes the sound of his voice and the fact that Jimin seems to take interest in reading, or at least in people who read a lot.

They spend the next hour going through Namjoon's plan for the rest of the day, and night. But just as Namjoon was informed by the listing in the website, Jimin agrees to none of it and shares a plan of his own. He knows Jimin is not going to bend over and take it any way Namjoon give him.

"Here's the thing, Professor!" says Jimin as he walks over to Namjoon and sits next to him on the couch. "I want you to order something for us to eat before we spend the whole evening doing things our way, here, in this apartment. I don't need a noisy restaurant or a bunch of eyes eating the delicious honey skinned treat that you are when I'd rather be worshipping every inch of it myself.".

Namjoon gulps. Jimin is exactly what Namjoon wants //NEEDS// for this weekend.


Namjoon finds himself tied to the bed when he finally drifts back into consciousness. Five orgasms in a matter of a few hours will do that to you.

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