7 ~ The Bouquet

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The next morning, I woke up incredibly confused of my whereabouts. I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked round and saw Sam laying beside me. 'What?' I thought. 'Why is Sam in my house?' Then I remembered last night. 'Ah.' I said. I tried to get out of the bed without waking him, but without success. 'Hmm? What time is it?' He murmured sleepily. 'Don't worry, I'm going home now. You go back to sleep.' I whispered. 'Rue?' I heard him quietly call as I climbed out the window. 'I'll be back later ok?' He nodded and went back to sleep.

As I walked back to the farm, I thought about how amazing it was last night. I almost ran straight into Shane. I apologized then walked quickly home. I saw there was a letter in the letter box with the Pierre logo.

It seems like you've been getting close to some of the townspeople. If you want to show someone youre romantically attracted to them, you've got to give them one of my beautiful flower bouquets. I'm selling them now for a very fair price! (Authors note: yeah 200g is totally a very fair price dickhead) If you want to start a family some day, then this is the first step.

'Huh.' I said. I decided I would buy one later. I had to finish all the farm chores before anything else. I harvested my corn and pumpkins, placed them in the chest then went to milk Summer she collect Chloe's eggs, which I put in the shipping bin.

I was done by 10am, so I walked down to Pierre's general store. 'Hey, farmer. Need any seeds?' Pierre asked. I shook my head. 'How much for one bouquet?' I asked. He raised his eye brows in wonder. 'So you got my letter did you?' He said, pulling up the few types of bouquet he had. '200g each.' He said. I paid for the roses and put them in my backpack. I thanked him and left.

I was bored and decided to see whether Abby was free so I called her. 'Hey a-' I started 'oh my god is it true?!' She asked quickly. 'Is what true?' I asked, curious. 'You bought a bouquet from my dad, right?' 'Yeah why?' 'There's a reason behind bouquets that you know about!' She said, holding up the small note that id left on my bed. 'Fine. Yes I got one because I want to ask him out. Happy?' I admitted. 'How do you know absolutely everything?' She flicked her hair back. 'I don't know, maybe I'm just a genius.' 'Haha.'

I called Sam over to the farm and I told him to come about half 8 at night, as there would be barely any people around. At 9PM he knocked. 'Sorry - got held up by my mum - what's up?' He asked. I invited him in,  and said 'I've got something.' He say down on one of Grandpa's old chairs and looked round the room. 'It's a nice place. Your grandpa gave you a great place to live.' He said as I fumbled round in the backpack I'd left on the floor. 'You think?' I said as I pulled the bouquet out. 'Yeah.'

I say down in front of him on another chair, and decided there wasn't any point in delaying any longer. 'Uh so... The thing I got uh.' I couldn't think of any way to do it better so I kinda just held it up with my mouth looking like a fish's. (Author's note: IT WAS AN IMAGE IN MY HEAD BAHAHHSAHDN) 'Y-you want to get more serious?' He asked, shocked. 'Well, yeah. Plus that night didn't happen for nothing right?' I handed the flowers over which he took. 'I'll never forget this night, or last night.'

For most of the remainder of that night, we just kind of sat on the sofa, talking. For some forgotten reason, the topic of fears came up. 'What would you say your worst fear is, Sam?' I asked. 'Worst fear? Jeez, I don't know-' he said. 'Probably spiders.' I laughed. 'Spiders? Most of the ones we get here are the size of a pinhead.' I said. 'Yeah, but they could be toxic.' He pointed out. 'Fair.' I said. 'What about you?' 'Me? Thunder, 100%." I answered immediately. "Now that is one that is reasonable to be frightened of.'


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