11 ~ Zuzu City

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Hi just so you know most of this chapter was written on PC and not Mobile so apologies if the spacing is a little bit weird and if there isnt any capitals at beginnings of sentences lul plus this chapter is pretty shitty so i apologize

Sam's POV:

The bus finally stopped. I gently shook Rue awake as she had fallen asleep on my shoulder on the way. She jumped and groaned. 'ugh. Fucking finally.' She yawned. Abby poked her head between the seats. 'This place is manic. How the hell did you grow up here, Rue?' She shrugged. 'Spite.' She joked. I heard Seb laugh a little. 'We don't want to be locked in, so we should go.' He said.

Once we'd stepped off, I looked round. It seemed a very easy place to get lost in. 'Right, my dad is meeting me and Abby at the corner down there in about an hour. I'm not too sure where the festival's being held but I'm sure we'll find it.' Rue said. I nodded.  (Authors note: it's not  like a festival festival, it's like a music festival bc their in the band and stuff I thought it was fitting)

Once we'd found it and the girls had left, we weren't too sure what to do. 'Want to grab a drink?' Seb asked. 'God yes.'

Rue's POV:
'Rue, do you even know where the fuck we are?' Abby asked. 'Yeah. Look, my dad's down there.' I waved. He stuck his hand up in welcome. 'Hey dad.' I said when we got a little closer. 'Morning.' He answered, hugging me. He noticed Abby and nodded at her. 'So your...' he said, clearly forgetting her name. 'Abigail.' she answered. 'But people call me Abby.' He nodded again. 'Right do you guys want to hop in the back and we'll grab some shakes (Authors note: Milkshakes btw im just putting shakes bc why the fuck not.) on the way to mine. Sound good?' he asked. 'Yeah, sounds awesome.' I said.

Sam's POV: 
'That was awesome.' Seb said as we started heading down the road near where the festival was held. 'So what are you planning on doing now?' I asked. 'Well, me and Abby were going to head back to the Valley. You coming with us?' I shrugged. 'I reckon I'll hang round here with Rue for a bit. If she wants to.' 'Alright.' Seb answered, calling Abby.

I called Rue after Seb left to find Abby. 'Hello?' I heard her say. 'Hey, its me.' 'Hey, where abouts are you? My dad said he'll take us back whenever.' she said. 'Yeah sounds good. When do you want to head back? We could grab some food then go?' 'Yeah sounds good. So should I meet you at where we got off the bus?' 'Yeah. See you then.' I hung up.

I kind of just sat at the stop on my phone until I felt someone's arms round my neck. I jumped and turned round. 'Hey.' Rue said, smiling. 'jesus. Hi, you scared the shit out of me.' I laughed. 'Sorry. So how was the festival?' she asked. 'It was cool. Hows your dad?' 'Yeah he's good. So what do you want to get?' I thought for a second. 'Are there any good pizza restauraunts (Authors note: TWO THINGS: 1. Im leaving the misspelling here so you can see how shitty I write without auto correct 2. This is a reference to one of his loved gifts) around here?' She nodded. 

About an hour later, Rue rung her dad, telling him where we were. 'Alright. See you soon dad. Bye.' she said, putting her phone back in her pocket. 'He'll be here in about 5 minutes.' She said, grabbing my hand. I nodded. 'One question. Your dad isnt going to hate me is he?' It was a genuine question but Rue laughed, thinking it was a joke. 'No seriously.' She opened her mouth to speak when her dad pulled up.

After 2 minutes, Rue had fallen asleep on me again. I put her arm round her shoulder. Her dad noticed in the mirror on the top of the car (Authors note: IDFK WHAT ITS CALLED OKAY?) and he smiled. I felt like I should say something as it was uncomfortably quiet so I cleared my throat a little and said 'So, uh. How was your day?' He nodded. 'It was alright. How was yours?' 'Yeah. The festival was alright.' 'Did you go with anyone?' He asked. 'Yeah, i went with my friend Sebastian.' 'Oh the one who picked Abigail up? The one with the black hair?' 'Yeah.'

Around 30 minutes later, we were roughly 0.5 miles from Pelican Town. 'So have you lived here your whole life?' Rue's dad asked. 'Yeah. Nothing's really changed before Rue moved.' I answered. I looked round at her. She was still asleep on my shoulder. 'She was talking alot about you once Abigail left.' He pointed out. 'Im glad she's found someone who she loves this much.' He smiled.

We pulled into the road near the farm. 'Alright, well it was great to meet you.' Her dad said. 'Yeah, same to you.' I said, opening the door. I gently tapped her on the shoulder to wake her up. She jumped. 'Hm?' She said. 'We're back.' I told her.

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