Chapter 1

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TW: Abuse, bulling, swears

A eleven year old boy has been living in a orphanage for most of his life.

As you might expect, the orphanage is not a good place to live in.

It doesn't help, that everybody sees this young boy as a freak.

The boy was born with half black, half white hair and has two coloured eyes. One is red and the other is green.

The boys name is Ranboo, another reason why the people there thought he was weird.

Ranboo was a very emotional kid, so the younger ones where picking on him a lot.

The adults weren't any better either.

They would always punish him for the smallest mistakes, like getting to breakfast 5 Minutes to late, or even trying to defend himself from the bullying.

They would usually lock him in an empty room, with one candle as the only light source., They also wouldn't give him any food for the time he was in that room.

The only time he got food in that room, was when he would stay in there for more that a week. And that happens quite often, since none of the adults liked him. The only thing he would get was a small glass of water and half a peace of bread.

The room wasn't very bid either. It was actually really small.

One day the boy had enough. He decided he would run away.

The next time an adult was dragging him to the small room, he ripped himself free for their grasp and ran.

He didn't have anything with him.

He ran for about half an hour, untill he decided he's far enough to stop running.

Just the he realized what he had done.

He ran away, with no food or water. He would have to steel to survive and sleep on the streets.

Luckily he was good in stealing. He has stolen from the adults working in the orphanage multiple times. So that wouldn't be a struggle.

After walking for about two more hours, he finally saw a village and decided to walk up to it.

After another ten minutes, he finally got to the village.

"E- Excuse me?" Ranboo said in a quite soft voice to a farmer.

"What?" The farmer said in a stern voice. Ad if he was already annoyed at the boys presence.

"I- I'm really hungry and I was wondering-"

"No, f* off" the farmer cut the boy off.

"B-But-" the boy was looking the farmer in the face, but not in the eyes, since he didn't like eye contact.

"I said no!" The farmer had started yelling by now.

And as the sensitive little boy Ranboo is, he started to tear up.

"Go away you freak!" The farmer yelled, this time louder.

Ranboo wanted to punch the man, but he knew he would get in trouble with the golem of the village and probably get severely hurt.

So he just walked away looking at the ground.

But he wasn't done just yet.

When the farmer looked away, the boy snuck to the farm and took a few carrots.

Ranboo didn't really like carrots, but he knew he shouldn't be picky.

He did this a few times and endet up with 32 carrots. It should be enough for a while.

He continued walking coming across a village every now and then.

-Time skip-

It has been about two days since Ranboo came across that first village.

Even though he stole from the other villages he came across, he only had two more carrots left.

It didn't help that he was walking through a desert.

-two hours later-

Ranboo was tired. He hasn't slept since he left the orphanage.

He was also really thirsty and hungry, he already ate his two last carrots and was now completely out of food.

That's when he finally saw the end of the desert.

He was so happy to finally be able to leave this place, that he completely forgot about his hunger and thirst.

He rand for a out 5 minutes before he finally was at the edge of the desert he has been walking in for hours.

The only problem was, that to get out of the desert and into a new biome, he had to cross a river. And that river wasn't shallow, it was very deep.

He decided, that the safest option was to get blocks and build over the river.

But when he took a sand block and placed it, he realized that that idea wouldn't work out, since sand is a gravity block. That means it will sink once he tries to place it.

So he just decided the only other option was to swim across. So that's what he did.

He slowly went into the water and he maneged to swim halfway when he suddenly felt really tired.

It wasn't a good idea to swim after not sleeping for two days in a row.

So.. as you can see, I've decided to give writing another go.
I don't know if it is good or not. Also I said in the last chapter, that at the moment of writing this i have no WiFi.
I may not have wifi at the house I live in and will be in most of the time, but I will go to my aunt soon (at the moment of writing this) and there I will have wifi. So I will still be posting when I can.

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