Chapter 3

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A few hours have passed and Phil had come to pick up Tommy and Tubbo.

Ranboo was still asleep, and Eret has started to get worried, on why the boy has woken up yet.

-time skip two days later-

Eret is really worried.

It's been two days and the boy still hasn't woken up.

It's was the morning of the second day and Eret checked up on the boy, just like he did the morning before.

But to his surprise, he didn't see the boy still asleep on the bed, but he saw him curled up in a corner seemingly terrified.

When the boy saw the door open, he tries to back up into the wall even more than he already was.

Eret slowly went up to the boy, not trying to scare him.

"Hey", he said in a soft, calming voice, "I won't hurt you. You don't have to be scared of me."

That didn't really help, it just scared the boy even more.

Eret then bend down to be on level with the boy.

He gave the boy a soft smile to try and calm him down.

Surprisingly the boy started to calm down, but as soon as Eret started to move, the boy stiffened up again.

Eret didn't know what to do. The boy didn't trust him and he could approach the boy without seemingly cousins a Panik attack.

He thought for a moment and after a while he got an idea.

He stood up, seeing as the boy stiffened up even more than before, if that's even possible.

He went to his kitchen grabbing something from a jar in a cabinet.

It was a cookie.

Eret went back to the guest room.

He once again got to his knees and this time he held out the cookie.

Ranboo POV

I woke up in a room.

The last thing I remember is a man helping me out a river and then picking me up. I fell asleep in his arm out of exhaustion.

I was thankful that I didn't drown, but now I was in a room, in an unknown place with a person I don't know.

I started panicking, and out of instinct went to the corner of the room.

I was sitting there for a few minutes, when the door suddenly opened.

I looked at the door, and there was the man that saved me, standing in the doorframe seemingly shocked.

3rd Person

The young boy started to calm down after he saw the cookie.

He slowly went up to the man and took the cookie out of his hand.

Ranboo didn't remember the last time he had eaten a cookie, so he had mostly forgotten how they taste.

His eyes lit up as he was eating the cookie.

Eret saw that and gave the small boy a soft smile.

He put his hand out for the boy to take and to his surprise, the boy, hesitantly, took his hand.

Eret slowly stood up, impling for the boy to stand up too.

The boy stood up as well. They started walking out of the room, dried tears on Ranboos cheeks.

He stopped walking and looked at the man.

The man looked back at him, and Ranboo quickly looked away, since the man looked him in the eyes.

After Ranboo looked at the man again, the man seemed confused as to why Ranboo looked away.

"N-No eye contact!" Ranboo said quietly but loud enough for the man to hear.

"Sorry." The man said in a soft an apologetic voice.

Ranboo gave the man a small smile.

They then continued to walk out of the room and the man asked ranboo something.

"Hey Ranboo?"

Ranboo was confused on how the man knew his name, but then remembered that he told the man his name before leaving the side of the river.

"Yeah?" Ranboo asked in his usual quiet voice.

"Do you want to meet my son? He's about your age."

When ranboo heard the last part, he got excited. But then he remembered how the other kids reacted when they first saw him.

"I- is he gonna make fun of me?" Ranboo asked looking at the ground, a bit ashamed for asking something like that.

"I can assure you, he won't." The man said with a smile.

"Ok" ranboo excitement slightly came back, finally being able to meet somebody his age. There weren't any kids his age at the orphanage, since they all got adopted before they turned eleven.

They walked over to where ranboo assumed, the man's sons room is located.

The man knocked the door, and a voice answered.

"Come in!" The voice said.

Ranboo quickly hid behind the man, slightly poking out his head.

The man smiled before opening the door.

I cut my hair!!!!
I'm so happy I will cry 😭🥰

Have a good day/night and drink plenty of water, eat enough but not to much and get plenty of sleep.

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