Chapter 2

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TW: Almost drowning,

He started panicking, noticing that he didn't have the energy to swim to the other side.

Sadly, he noticed it to late.

He started screaming for help, even though he knew nobody would hear him.

He still hoped somebody would hear his sad cries for help.

Very soon though, he couldn't hold himself over the surface and just let himself sink in.

He quickly started to get water in his lungs and sonny passed out from lack of oxygen.

Eret POV

I was walking in the woods when I heard cries of help in the distance.

I quickly ran to where I was hearing the cries, when the suddenly stopped.

I got more worried and started running faster to where I had previously heard them.

I realized that the cries where coming from the river between these woods and a desert.

When I got to the river, I looked around for a few seconds before looking into the river, to see a small boy that seemed to have passed out.

I quickly dove into the river and pulled the small boy out.

After getting to the shore, I immediately started doing chest compressions to try and get the water in the boys lungs out.

After two minutes of doing that, the small boy started coughing.

I was relieved, and happy when the boy started coughing

3rd person

The boy woke up coughing.

The last thing he remembers, was passing out after trying to swim across the river.

He continued coughing for a while.

Then realization struck. Somebody had pulled him out of the river.

He finally looked around. He wasn't on the side of the desert.

Then he saw a man with a crown and royal looking clothes, with a cape and sunglasses Infront of him.

"Who- *cough* Are you?" Ranboo asked coughing in between the sentence.

"I'm Eret. And you?" The man ,who's name was apparently Eret, said.

"Ranboo" he said so quietly, that Eret almost didn't hear him.

"Well Ranboo, what were you doing in the river?"

Ranboo was scared of the man, since adults didn't treat him well in the past.

"I l- I wanted to... get to the other side of the river.." Ranboo said I bit louder this time.

Eret thought for a bit on what to say.

"Well, what are you doing here alone? Where are your parents?"

Eret soon regretted that question after seeing the boys shocked face.

Ranboo gave him the silent treatment, since when he did it at the adults in the orphanage, they usually let it go. He still got punished though.

After a while Eret decided it wasn't worth waiting for the boy to answer, since he hasn't answered yet.

So he just stood up and put the boy in his arms bridal style.

Ranboo was watching him stand up, but when he was suddenly picked up, he didn't know how to react.

So he just started struggling, trying to get out of Erets grip.

Eret wasn't having any of it though and didn't let the boy go.

Sonny Ranboo accepted the fact, that he couldn't get out of this and decided to just get some sleep in Erets arms. He was very tired.

Eret noticed this and started walking carefully back to his base to not wake up the sleeping boy

-Time skip-

When Eret got to his castle, he went to the guest room and put the boy in the bed to rest.

Just after he left the room l he heard a knock on the door.

He remembered that he told Phil, that he would take care of Tommy and Tubbo for a few hours since he, Wilbur and Techno would go mining.

He went to the door and opened it.

"Thanks for taking care of Tommy and Tubbo, mate."  Phil said, thankful to have somebody taking care of the two troublemakers.

"It's no problem really!" Eret reassured Phil.

The two boys said goodbye to their parent and went inside.

"Bye Phil!"

"Bye Eret!"

The adult said their goodbyes and Eret closed the door

"Fundy?" Eret called his son.

"Yeah?" Fundy called back.

"Tommy and Tubbo are here!"

And with that, Fundy got out of his room and the next second he was in the living room with Eret and the two young boys.

"Don't be to loud." Eret told the boys.

They looked at him confused.

"There is a boy that looks about your age sleeping in the guest room. He looks like he hasn't slept in a while, so I would like you boys to be quiet 'till he wakes up."

"Okay Eret!" The three boys whisper shouted at the same time.

Eret chuckled, watching them run to Fundys room.

So yeah. I have made Eret be Fundys father since he makes more sense for the things I'm planing.
(I haven't planned anything that's a lie, but I do have a slight idea)

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