Chapter 5

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Warning: swearing because tommy

After Fundy closed the door, he turned to the three boys, but soon noticed that Ranboo was nowhere to be seen.

Fundy knew that he had followed them to his room, as well as that he is shy.

So he looked next to a cabinet, where if somebody was there, they would be out of sight.

Rambo was behind that very cabinet.

"You can hide behind me if you want. But I still want you to meet them." Fundy said only loud enough for Ranboo to hear.

Ranboo went from his little hiding spot to behind Fundy. He had to duck down since Fundy was shorter than him.

"Sooooo... I want you two to meet someone."

"Who is it?" The boy with brown hair said.

Ranboo came out from behind Fundy looking nervously at the ground.

"F****ing he11 he's tall" the blond boy, said.

Ranboo chuckled a tiny bit at that commend.

"What's your name?" The brown haired boy asked excitedly.

Ranboo stayed silent.

Fundy looked at him and Ranboo looked back at Fundy nervously.

"His name is Ranboo. He's quite shy as you can see." Fundy said to the two boys.

"Well Ranboo, my name is Tubbo and that's my best friend Tommy" the brown haired boy, Tubbo, said.

"Hey Ranboob!" Tommy, the blond one, said teasingly.

"Tommy stop it!" Fundy said to tommy sternly. "He's quite sensitive because of past sircumstanses." He continued.

"It's fine Fundy..." Ranboo told Fundy quietly.

"Are you sure?" Fundy asked Ranboo concerned.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's fine really!" Ranboo said to reassure Fundy.

"If you say so..." Fundy said hesitantly.

"Sorry.." tommy said after a while of silence.

Ranboo smiled at him in return. Tommy smiled back.

The four stared at each other for a while untill Tubbo broke the silence.

"Well, how about we play something? Or just talk. I could tell you about my pet bees!" He sounded less excided about the second option.

"What could we even play, bee boy?"

"I don't know..."

The three thought about what to play. Ranboo just thought to himself since he never played anything with other kids.

"I know!" Fundy suddenly said loudly. "We could play hide and seek!"

Ranboo looked at them confused. He was embarrassed to say it but he didn't know how to play hide and seek.

"I assume everybody knows how to play?" Tommy asked the group.

Fundy looked at Ranboo since Ranboo told him almost everything that was happening to him in the orphanage.

Ranboo looked back at Fundy still a bit confused.

Since Fundy knew that Ranboo was to shy to ask how to play, Fundy decided to explain how to play without directly explaining.

"Tommy how about you seek?" Fundy said.

"I love seeking!" Tommy said very happily.

"So you just count to let's say..." Fundy thought for a bit. " 20 seconds?"

"Can we do 30?" Tubbo asked.

"Sure I don't mind, bee boy" Tommy said looking at tubbo with a smirk.

"Alright then so you count to 30 and we hide." Fundy said.

He looked at Ranboo to make sure he understood.

Ranboo understood the message and nodded at Fundy.

"Yep!" Tubbo confirmed.

Then Tommy ran up to a wall and started counting.

The three boys ran all in different directions and looked for a hiding spot.

-time skip-

It has been a few minuets of Tommy seeking. He looked through every room but he just couldn't find anyone.

He then decided to look in the more bizarre places where not everyone would thing of looking for hiders.

He first went to the basement of the place and looked through a multitude of places.

Behind boxes, under old beds, inside old wardrobes.

Where he didn't think of looking, at first, was the boxes. But when he couldn't find anyone in the basement, he decided to look inside a few to see if they really weren't in the basement somewhere.

Tommy opens box after box and didn't find his friends. Instead he just found a lot of old stuff.

That was untill he opened a box a specific box.

He found Tubbo inside one of the boxes.  (See what I did there?)

"Found you!" Tommy exclaimed loudly.

"Do I have to help you seek now?" Tubbo said as he carefully got out of the box to not tip over.

"Yep!" Tommy said.

"Oh come on! I don't like seeking!" Tubbo complained.

"The only reason why you have to seek, is because I've been looking for ages and you're the first person I found..." Tommy said looking away from Tubbo to hide his face. He was blushing a bit from embarrassed.

Tubbo chuckled a bit.

"Alright big man, I'll help you seek.

And with that they went out of the basement and continued looking for the others.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

At some point after Tubbos suggestion to play something, I had some writers block and didn't know how to continue it.

Then in the middle of the night at like almost 2 am, I decided to make a mind map of how to continue the story. I now have an idea on what to make.

Also the ideas for the next like 2/3 chapters are completely my idea and where not inspired by "why do I need a family"

Still I would advice you to read that story! It is really well written and kept me busy while I had no internet.

Have a good day/night, get plenty of sleep, eat and drink enough and I'll see you in the next chapter.

(Btw sorry this A/N is a bit longer)

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