Ross Stone

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Ross is a pretty fun guy to be around if I'm being honest. I actually use to like him a bit. He's supposed to be Rose's counterpart from Gina's reality. But they're nothing alike. Ross' personality is a bit like Geno but even more enjoyable somehow. He has Rose's agility and reflexes but instead of using a bunch of ninja weapons, his weapon of choice is an indestructible baseball bat. He got a bit of power from Gina and unlike Rose, he can use it. He isn't as stuck in his pride so he happily used the powers to be a bit further from human. He made himself stronger, faster, and more durable. He can also see up to 5 seconds in the future. Which I always though was pretty cool. If he was about to be shot in the head, he could see it coming easily. I wish I had a power that awesome and useful! Ross doesn't gloat about it or anything, not to his friends at least. He really is a pretty cool dude.

RCP Codename: Prodigal Son
Yo! I'll take over this one. This time it's Ross' Contingency Plan! I doubt I'd ever turn on you guys, but if I do, it'd be relatively easy to take me out. Sure, I'm strong and fast, but honestly, I ain't too bright. So messin' with my head is probably the quickest way. Or use some good ol' Kodaimonite to get rid of my powers. After that, I'll just be regular guy with a not-so-regular bat.

Theme: Double Sided

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