Amy Kodaimoso

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Amy's one of the first of these aliens that I've met. She's pretty great and seems to have her life put together. Ella tiene una casa bonita. Never seen a cleaner house. She and her hermana adopted Camila as an additional sister when she was young. Apparently, she and Yuma are apart of this branch family of Kodaimosians. So she's more like Geno's cousin but they still see each other as familia. She's got a pretty solid job, a loving husband (who's job is still a mystery to me), and a cute little bebé named Aurora. 

Anyway, onto the important info. She can control any body of water, including a cup of water. She also has super speed. ¿Por qué? No sé. Absolutely no clue. She's also amazing at cooking sweets and some foods, which I assume is where Camila got some of her skills. She's a nice girl too, often putting the needs of others ahead of her own, unless her daughter is in need. Aurora is her top priority, as she should be and I respect her for that.

RCP Codename: Oceanic

Amy can easily be stopped by freezing her with an ice power or using it to make her slip as she runs. However, she can also teleport short distances up to three times before she needs a 15 second total cooldown. She must be captured before that cooldown is over. She can be fitted with a collar or exposed to Kodaimonite to stop her for a prolonged period.

Theme: Aquatic Run

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