Chapter ¹

710 19 2

Dipper's POV

The sound of silence fills my ears as I limp to my 'room'. My body aching from the hits I received from my parents. They don't deserve to be called parents. Since I was seven years old I've been abused for not being 'normal'. I never understood what they meant and I still don't but they don't care.

While I go through the pain my twin sister is treated like royalty. It wasn't always like this. Me and my twin: Mabel Pines, we're two peas in a pod until our parents brainwashed her into thinking it was ok to do what they are doing to me. She was skeptical about it, especially when witnessing it.

That was until we return from Gravity Falls. Since then, she also joined my parents but luckily she moved in with her boyfriend. One down two to deal with. That was my thought when she left but I don't think I can stay here any longer. My 'parents' have been hitting me more than before due to it being close to my birthday.

The day they will kill me.

I can't let them kill me. Not today. Not ever. Once down the basement, which is sadly my 'room', I clean my fresh and reopened wounds. The last thing I need is for them to get infected.  It would make my escape a lot harder than it needed to be. Releasing a tired sigh I carefully wrapped my bruises with bandages. I need more after this. They put more bruises on my body.

I slowly got up from my layered blankets I call a bed and grab my torn bookbag filled with all my necessities and some money I had stolen from my 'family'. I always stole small portions so I don't raise red flags. That's the last thing I need when I'm getting beat every day.

I took one last glance at the basement playing all the memories I had here. From my first time till now. I won't ever miss this miserable place I was forced to call home. Not looking back I made my way up the stone stairs quietly. A feeling of nervousness filled my body once I made it to the door. 'I can do this. I will be free from the abuse.' With that final thought, I quietly open the door scanning my surroundings to make sure the coast was clear.

Lucky for me nobody was downstairs. I could also hear the loud snores of my 'father'. I quickly but quietly closed the door to the basement door and then made my way to the front door. I wanted to cheer inside my head that I made it but I know what happens when you celebrate too early. It doesn't end well. I unlocked the door as quietly as I could not wanting to wake up my 'parents'.

I open the door feeling the cold air rush in. It's cold but I won't have to wait long. The bus will be here in two minutes to take me to Gravity Falls. I don't know why but something is pulling me to that place. I even had dreams telling me to return there. At first, I didn't want to but the dreams showed me what would happen if I didn't leave now.

I would be on the floor covered in stab wounds as my parents bash my head in with a hammer the day of my birthday. I shivered at the memory. I quickly stepped out and locked the door behind me. I walked for a while then ran the rest of the way once I was far enough from the hellhole. I was able to make it to the bus before it pulled off. I paid for the driver before taking a seat in the back watching as the view of my hometown disappeared. I smiled knowing that I was free from the abuse.

Now I just have to sit and relax till we get to Gravity Falls. I'm sure my Grunkles will know that I'm missing before I get there. I would need to ask the creatures if I could stay with them so the Grunkles don't take me back to that place. Truth be told, they don't like me either and I believe that is the reason why Mabel started abusing me after we left Gravity Falls. Humans are so disgusting. That was my final thought before I fell asleep.


"Hey, kid." I opened my eyes to see the driver shaking me where one of the bruises are. I wanted to cry out in pain but I kept it in. "We're at your stop," he says gently pointing at the window. I turn my attention to the window to see that we are indeed in Gravity Falls. "Thank you," I smile at the driver while grabbing my stuff from the seat next to me.

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