Chapter ²

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Dipper's POV

In dream

The soft sound of the wind relaxes me when I sit in a familiar but unfamiliar place. This time it's a forest. Something about it relaxes me in a way. It's like I've been here before, but when? Why does this place seem so familiar to me? I hope someone can explain this to me. All the dreams, the familiarity of certain places, the way my body feels like it's changing. I wouldn't be surprised if I get a headache from all these thoughts in my head.


My heart dropped to my stomach hearing someone whisper the name close to my ear. Nobody should be here! Nobody has ever been heard or seen when I'm in a dream like this. All of a sudden, everything starts turning black. This made my fear grow more. My breath became erratic wanting out of this dream. No. Nightmare.

"My Sweet Silas,"

A pitch-black hand covers my mouth as the other wrap around my body in a possessive way. My body squirms in its hold wanting to be free as my mind thinks about all the horrible things that could happen at this moment.

"Soon you'll be in my arms once again~ Nobody. I mean nobody will stop me from getting you. Death will come upon every single one.

The grasp the mysterious hands had on me disappeared without a trace. Everything around me came back to normal. What the hell was that? What did they mean by again? The last time I checked I had never been with anyone else besides my ' parents and 'twin'. Is there something that I don't know about? Must be.

This is stressful. My hand made its way to my head attempting to rub away the upcoming headache. How can I feel a headache in a dream? I have no idea, but I can. Sadly. "I'm ready to wake up," I whisper still shaken up from the short but frightening moment. The forest around me starts to fade slowly till a bright beautiful light blinded my sight.

Dream over

Groans fill my ears as I wake up from the questioning dream. My body aching from switching positions in my sleep. Resting my head against the headboard I quietly curse my 'parents' for breaking one of my ribs. "Silas?" A soft motherly voice called out softly. I don't remember anyone with that voice in this castle but why does it sound so. . . familiar? Turning my head toward the voice, I see a gorgeous woman with her pale hands over her mouth as if she saw someone after a long time.

Next to her was a tall man who has his arms wrapped protectively around her. His eyes stared back at my brown eyes with. . . hope? I turn towards the person beside him only to see. . ."Bill? What are you doing here? I thought you were turned to stone?" My voice rose at the sight of the dream demon. There is no way he was set free unless someone idiotic shook his hand just for the fun of it.

Bill places his gloved hand over his chest as if I wound him. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his mockery. He'll never change. "You hurt me so, Pinetree. But I'm not here to take over Gravity Falls or the world. I also was never a stone. I manage to escape and make a replica. Impressive right?" My eyes glared at him not in the mood for any of his foolishness.

A clear throat seized our attention from each other as we look at the male who cleared his throat. Bill lowers his head walking away, so the two unknown people are in my view. I am still confused about who the two mysterious people are. It's like there is a connection between us but I don't know these people besides Bill, of course.

"Not to be rude but who are you? Why are you here?" My voice was laced with confusion. The woman looked heartbroken so did the man, but he masked it. "Sweetie, how old are you?" The woman asked with gentleness. Now I was more confused than anything. I have no idea who these people are, and they are asking for my age.

"Let us introduce ourselves first my queen. Hello Dipper, I'm King Aytigan and this lovely woman by my side is Queen Aytigan. We are the rulers of this forest." This is my first time hearing this. How come I never knew there are rulers of the whole forest? "How come I never knew this? I came to this forest too many times to count and I've never heard about the both of you."

"A man named Ford came to this forest all the time. We even let him in our castle. That was our first mistake." The queen's eyes became teary. I didn't push her to explain more. I knew whatever happened was something she doesn't want to remember at the moment. "My great uncle is a monster. I trusted him too at first till he joined in the abuse my parents put me through."

With a lift of my shirt, the bruises that have been inflicted on me were visible for all to see. The room went dead quiet after that. Nobody muttered a word. They just stared horrified at the sight in front of them. Surprisingly, even Bill stared horrified at the sight. I think I saw hints of anger in his eyes. I pulled my shirt down knowing that was enough.

"Back to the question, I am seventeen turning eighteen in..." I take a look at the time and date on my phone seeing I have a little less than an hour till I'm officially eighteen. "A little less than an hour," placing my phone down, I turn my attention to the King, Queen, and dream demon only to see them smiling. Am I missing something? I have to be missing something.

"That's nice to know, please get some more rest. I'll have the chef bring you something to eat. After all, we want you to be taken care of," The queen smiles at me before walking out of the room with her husband. Bill follows them after taking a final glance at me. The room door closed behind him leaving me alone in the comfortable room.

They know something that I don't. It has something to do with my birthday. They seem excited about my birthday. This is too much to handle. Will I ever catch a break from all these unknown things that haunt me every day of my life? Who knows one thing is for sure. My hand ran through my hair as my lips release a sigh of frustration. I will be unable to escape anything that comes my way. Taking another glance at the time I realized that it is 11:12. I should just sleep. Getting some rest will help me heal faster.

3rd POV

"It's him! That's our son!" The queen cried with joy in her voice. Her son looks exactly like them. Dipper has the queen's brown silky hair that ends a little below his shoulder. His skin was as pale as the queen's making them similar. Dipper has the king's dark brown eyes that pop out due to his pale complexion and waves in his hair. There is no other explanation. Dipper Pines is indeed their son, Silas Aytigan. He hasn't changed at all, besides him maturing into a young adult. The king grasps the queen's cheeks sending his warmth to her pale face.

The king was as happy as his beautiful wife but there were also pressing matters they have to discuss. For example, the bruises on their precious son's pale skin. He knew who kidnapped their son, but he didn't think he would abuse the poor boy. after all, he had some sort of obsession with the royal family which also included the youngest royalty, Silas Ayitgan.

Even now his son's kidnapper is still searching for the king and queen after he got a letter saying he was banned from the kingdom and any sight of him near will cost his life. "I know you are excited my dear, but we have to wait till his powers and memories awaken. We have less than an hour left. We also have to talk about the sickening and frightening bruises on his skin. I doubt it's by you know who, but he still has something to do with it." The king explains.

Bill sighs knowing he'll have to show his majesties the memories of their lost son. The memories are traumatizing even to the dream demon himself. "I will show you his memories after he gets his. What will be shown to you will be traumatic." Bill bows his head before walking away not wanting to be questioned by the queen on what he means.

The queen sighs not ready to see her son's memories but she has to know what happen to her son who is covered in different color bruises. "Don't worry my queen we will go through together. Now let's rest so we can be there for our son when he gets his memories back," The queen can only nod her head knowing there wasn't any room for arguing. The king is right anyways. She has to be there for her son for the first time in twelve years.

Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And also thank you for reading this book! There will be more chapters coming and a possible new story as well.

I hope you have a Good Morning, Evening, and Night!


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