Chapter ³

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Dipper's POV

How would you feel if suddenly you awoke to you walking in the forest in the middle of the night? Most likely confused like I am. I don't know how or when it happened but I am unable to get control of my body. I am unfamiliar with the area of the woods but for some reason, it seems all too familiar.

My body stops moving in a small flower area filled with varieties of flowers I never knew existed. A memory flashes of me playing with a boy around the age of 10-13 with yellow hair. He awfully reminds me of Bill but a teenage version. My body again began to move deeper into the forest where it was becoming darker.

I am confused and scared. Can anyone tell me what the actual fuck is going on? I need answers! Why did I suddenly wake up walking to wherever? Why can't I control my body? How am I not feeling any pain? I know my ribs are broken.

Patient little one.

Suddenly my mind felt calm. It was like I was numb but I wasn't at the same time. After around ten minutes I arrived at a beautiful tall castle that blended in with the forest. You would have to pay close attention to make out the beautiful castle. My feet moved faster walking into the castle. Glancing around the castle I was in awe. The inside was as beautiful as the outside. I wanted to look around some more but whoever is controlling me said otherwise.

I walked up the stairs taking in the rest of the castle. I wonder who lives here? The place doesn't look abandoned from what I'm seeing. Once at the top of the stairs, I felt a pull coming from the left. I turn to see a dark hallway with moonlight coming through the windows.

Follow me.

A figure of a little boy that looks like me when I was younger comes from behind me outstretching his hand. My body was set free from whoever was controlling me but now I have a decision to make. Should I follow the boy that looks like me when I was younger? or should I run out of this castle? My mind is telling me to run but my gut is telling me to follow him.

People always say listen to your gut. With that final thought, I took the boy's hand in mine letting him lead me to where we are going. It was silent between us as he leads me to our destination. "Are you the one who was controlling me?" I asked breaking the silence between us. The boy gave me a nod. I was going to ask another question but we stopped in front of a door.

The little boy turns to me pointing his little finger at the door. I have a feeling he wants me to walk in there. The boy nod. Now we got a mind reader. Let me just walk in the door and see what's going on. My hands hesitantly grab the knob turning it in the process. Opening the door I found a bedroom for a little boy. It was a nature theme.

Had branches swirling up to the ceiling in all corners, and the bed was made out of wood with royal blue covers and pillows. I walked in further to see a play area in the right corner of the room. The room was simple but had a kid-ish touch to it. Looking around the room some more I didn't realize the door was closing until a loud slam echoed in the room.

My head snapped toward the door to see it was closed shut. Please for the love of God don't be locked. I ran to the door pulling and twisting the knob only for it to not open. It's locked. It's clear that the universe hates me. No questions asked. A sigh left past my lips as I turn around only to freeze.

Memories after memories flash through my mind. The memories were going so fast but I can see every single details and moment. The memories continue to flash through my mind causing a burning sensation on my forehead where the dipper mark is. At first, it was just a small headache until it started progressing.

My mouth was wide open but no screams were coming out. It was stuck in my throat with no way to come out. 'Please! Someone, please stop!' I thought while the memories and the pain continue until my mind stopped at a certain memory.

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