Chapter ⁴

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Dipper's POV

My body felt relaxed but slightly tense. Is my guard up even though I'm unconscious? Why would I be? The memories of my past flash through my brain like photo memories. All memories show every single detail while also skimming through. Now I remember. I was kidnapped by these people.

Ford and two unknown royalties. Who could ever imagine my life turning out like this? Did I do something? I was only just a little boy doing what he usually does, play and be innocent as long as he could. So, why kidnap me from the castle? Who knows, I know I'll need a long break before the drama even begins.

"let me see him or I swear to you I will do something I will regret later!" The loud voice caused me to flinch in my spot as if someone just shocked me. I could feel the anger of the person and I rather not be in their wrath. "Go ahead and see him, but please honey do not scare him. He still needs to settle in and collect his thoughts. I missed him too, but we also have to think about how he feels right now."

I agree. I am confused and scared. Everything that has happened so far happened so quickly that I still can't process the situations I am in. The sound of the door creaking filled my ears as I watch the woman from the mysterious castle walk in with a motherly smile. My eyes watched her every move wanting to be prepared just in case she tried something.

I don't trust her. She could be like my so-called family for all I know. Not taking any chances especially since I'm sick and tired of getting abused by my  "family". "Hello, how are you feeling?" she asked meanwhile slowly sitting down on the edge of the royal-like bed. I simply shrug my shoulders. "Been through worse."

It was silent after that. Millions of thoughts running through my head, but not a single word came out. "I'm sure you are still confused so I'm going to explain what you saw at the castle to hopefully help you sink in everything," she said. She explained everything with more detail than what was shown to me at the castle.

If I wasn't in shock before I am now. Everything is sinking in now and I don't know how to feel. All of this is too much to handle. "I would like to be on my own for a while," I said hoping she would leave. I need time to think. "Sure, I know it's a lot to take in, especially since I went into detail. If you need me just call my name and I'll be here."

With that, she walked out the door leaving me behind with my thoughts. What has my life become?

????? POV

What a wonderful surprise. It seems like Silas has returned to his home. Seems like Ford didn't do his job well. He'll get punished later as well as his little family. After all, nobody gets away with hurting what's mine. While Silas takes some time to adjust, I'll prepare for his arrival. He'll be in my grasp soon enough.

Dipper's POV

I decided to walk around, in what I believe is a castle, and find something that will either help me remember everything or escape. So far I found nothing. I feel like I've been walking in the same hallway for hours. Everything looks the same including the pictures hanging on the wall. I stop at one of the pictures I felt like I have passed many times and lightly gasp when I saw the dipper mark glowing on the picture.

It was the same one I have on my forehead. Speaking of, the dipper mark on my forehead is glowing too. My hand unintentionally touches the glowing dipper on the painting causing the light to become brighter. My eyes were shut tightly until the light dim down. I open my eyes to see the stairs instead of the painting.

I look down to see pitch black. Is it a goid idea to go down there? I look around me before deciding I should go down there but little did I know people were watching me descend the stars. It took around 10 minutes to finally make it done the stairs. The room was still dark but I was able to see what was in the room.

In the middle of the room was

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in 2 months. A lot happened with me being hospitalized, family, and school but I am back and would start posting again since I'm in the middle of spring break.

Have a Good Morning, Evening, and Night!

~MyMy Chan

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