Chapter 5

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Dipper's POV

I found a beautiful blue forest that lit up the whole room. It was like I was in an enchanted wonderland but all blue. It did have some colors besides blue here but that didn't make this place any less beautiful. Deciding it was best to continue, I started my journey through the enchanted wonderland.

Millions of trees grew some type of light making this place brighter and elegant. This place automatically relaxes me and makes me forget about the situation I am in. That was until I heard a soft humming coming from my right.

The humming was like a lullaby for an infant. Knowing I know that I shouldn't make my way or follow the voice. But I did it anyway. Maybe I'll find some answers that will help get my brain wrapped around everything.

If not then I know some things that I can use to defend myself until I can find my way out of here.

The humming got louder the closer I got. The louder it was the more beautiful it was. I wonder who is humming this beautiful tune? They have a beautiful voice that can lull anyone to sleep.

A figure appeared sitting on a giant rock that was over the bright blue and clear water. The cleanest water I have ever seen.

The humming stops as the woman turns her attention from the water to me. I stood in shock not knowing what to do at the moment. I've never meant to get caught but I guess that went down the drain quickly.

"Hello, little one,"

Her voice was soft and silky. I didn't feel intimidated by her or anything. Her sky-blue eyes held a soft look to them. Her long brown hair, ended at what I believe, was her waist. Her brown skin glowed in the bright blue land.

Just looking at her is like looking at a goddess that came from an unknown place.

"Come out little one, I know you have questions about what is going on. I will answer them for you."

My body stood in its place thinking over what was said to him. Should he get close to her? He is already caught so there is no way he is going to be able to stay hidden by the tree.

Coming up with a decision, I decided that I might as well walk out since there was no point in hiding. The woman smiled down at him patting the spot close to her.

I climbed up the rock and then proceeded to crawl to the spot the mysterious woman patted.

It was silent between us as the mysterious woman's soft gaze was on the ocean water as I took some glances from the water to the woman.

"I know you have some questions and are unsure whether to believe what people are telling you. Especially, since you were thrust into a short memory lane before passing out."

I only nod my head not fully trusting her since she is just some stranger that I just met some minutes ago. She glanced at me and then turned her attention back to the clear ocean water.

"I can put you in a trance where you can fully experience what happened so you can have a full understanding of what happened. This will also answer the questions that you have at the moment. However, I must warn you that once you are in there is no stopping it until you go through the whole thing. Is that fine with you?"

My mouth stayed closed as I wondered if it was a good idea to let her put me in a trance so I could experience and understand everything.

It would be dumb to let someone who I have never met before put me in a trance. It could be a trap and it would be too late but at the same time, I want to know everything. I need all my questions answered and if curiosity kills the cat then it kills the cat.

Not like I have anything here, besides the fairies, to keep me company and love me for me.

"Go ahead."

She turns her face towards me with a brow lifted. She looked at me confused about what I meant so I elaborated for her.

"Put me in a trance and allow me to understand what is going on. I a just a sitting duck out of it's mind because he doesn't know what the heck is going on. So please, put me in a trance.

She stared into my eyes searching for something before letting out a sigh.

"Alright, let me get stuff prepared then I'll put you in a trance as you wish."

She gets up from the rock and walks away leaving me behind to gaze at the clear blue ocean water. Hopefully, everything turns on good and not a complete disaster.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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