Chapter 3

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Hey guys welcome back to The day that we met Jensen Ackles/Austin Butler Story I'm sooooooooooooo excited to start this chapter because one it's Ashley's first official day working on the set of Supernatural and second she will also be meeting up with the director of the Elvis movie and the person that the director is bringing along for dinner hmmm I wander who it could be but the picture at the top is the outfit that Ashley's wearing for dinner and pleas>e watch the video below because for one it's hot and for two you guys will enjoy it so enough of me talking and let's start Chapter 3 and I will see you guys at the end of this chapter.

And sorry that the video quality sucks but that's the best one I could find of Austin Butler singing Trouble but anyways let's start Chapter 3.

The next morning.

Ashley's Pov.

Dear diary.

Today was going to be a really good day for me Why you ask well o ne because today's my first day filming supernatural and second I have a meeting with Baz Luhrmann the director of the new Elvis movie I'm still confused to why he wants me to play the role of Priscilla Presley when there's thousands of other girls who I'm sure could play the part of her better than me but I wasn't going to turn down this opportunity to meet him and see what he has to say he also said that he would explain to why he picked me but I guess that I need to get ready for the day so until next time xoxo Ashley Manes.

After I got done writing in my diary I decided that I needed to hurry and take a shower and get ready for the day after I got out of the shower i just decided to throw on a pare of leggings and a sweatshirt because once I got to work I knew that they would just throw me into the dressing room and get me ready in my costume for my character but I did pack a small bag of clothes and makeup for when I got done filming so i could just go to my trailer and change for my meeting tonight once I was done getting ready I grabbed my things I then started making my towards my kids rooms to get them up once I heard them getting up and ready for the day I went into the kitchen to make some breakfast all we had was cinnamon raisin bagels and cinnamon cream cheese and some milk so I that's what I made I then saw my babies come walking down the hall and into the kitchen once they sat down I plated the food I then sat it down in front of them as soon as they saw the food they immediately dug in I just smiled to myself but after about ten minutes they were done eating I told them to get there stuff and then we left once I dropped them off at school I made my way to work once I got there i parked my car grabbed my things and headed towards the costume trailer I then knocked on the door when I heard someone tell me to come in I made my way inside I just smiled at the woman she just smiled back at her she then spoke to me.

"Hi do need help with anything miss?"

"Um actually yes I'm new here and I'm supposed to be playing the part of Selena Parker and I need my costume someone told me that you could help me with that?"

"I sure can um follow me and I will help you out with that."

After she said that she started making her way towards the back when she came back out she had my outfit it was a purple tank top black ripped jeans a black leather jacket black boots and these purple angel wing earrings she told me to go put it on and to let her know if she needed to any alterations but once I got dressed everything fit perfectly when I walked out I gave her a smile and told her thank you and then I went over to hair and makeup once I was done with that i made my way towards set when I got there I saw Jensen and Jared doing there scenes so I took this opportunity to go to the director once I over to him he just smiled at me he then started to speak to.

The day that we met A Austin Butler Love Story Where stories live. Discover now