Chapter 13

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Hey guys welcome back to the day that we met a Austin Butler love story Soooooo excited to start this chapter because Ashley and Austin will have to do another photoshoot for Vogue magazine and Ashley's leaving to go back to Canada to film a few episodes of Supernatural so it might be a little sad at the beginning but it will get better and watch the video at the top because you guys will enjoy it and there will be a outfit in a little while of what Ashley's wearing when Austin takes her to the airport so enough of me talking and let's start Chapter 13 and I will see you guys at the end of this chapter.

Two days later.

Ashley's Pov.

Dear diary.

It's been about two days since I went to the doctor's and that was the day that doctor lopez told me that I couldn't get pregnant but then I found out that Austin and I still can get pregnant it's just going to be a little harder for us to do that and we've talked about the treatment to help with that but we've still haven't fully decided on that yet because I'm scared that it won't work out for us and then I brought up the idea of adoption but that was thrown out the window as soon as I mentioned it but I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow to film a few episodes of Supernatural am I excited about it No not really I don't want to leave my kids and Austin home alone for a few months because one I'm going to miss them like crazy while I'm I'm gone and for two I don't trust those three home alone for two months there's no telling what they would get themselves into but I'm excited for today because me and Austin have another photoshoot for Vogue magazine and and I'm so excited for we're also bringing Aria and John Jr along with us because it's my last day to spend time with them but I guess that I better go and get ready for the day so until next time xoxo Ashley manes.

after I got done writing in my diary I got out of bed I made my way towards the bathroom I just took a quick shower and then I just threw on some sweatpants and one of Austin's shirts I then put my hair up in a messy bun and brushed my teeth once I walked out of the bathroom I saw my kids trying to be very quiet so they could sneak up on Austin to scare him but I already knew that Austin was already awake so I just stood by the bathroom door with a smile on my face once they reached his side of the bed they were about to scream and jump on him but just then Austin jumped up and screamed and then he grabbed both of them they just screamed when he scared them but that soon turned into giggles when he pulled them up on the bed and started tickling them I just smiled at the three of them but then I walked over to the bed and sat down I then spoke to them.

"Okay you three it's time to get ready for the photoshoot that we have to be at in a couple of hours."

After I said that I heard all three of them grone which caused me to laugh but they got up Austin went to take a shower and get ready for today I just looked at my kids who was now jumping on the bed I just smiled at them but then I helped them off the bed we then made our way towards the kitchen to eat breakfast once we got in the kitchen I started pouring some cereal into bowls once i sat there bowls down in front of them and they automatically started eating a few minutes later I was pouring coffee into Austin's to go cup but then I felt Austin kiss my cheek he then grabbed a piece of toast and then I told Aria and John Jr to go grab their coloring books and pencils once they grabbed their things we left about thirty minutes later we were at the place where the photoshoot was being held at once we got out of the car I was being dragged away by a woman that I've never seen before I was confused as to why scar was wasn't here but then I was being pushed down into a chair she then started doing my hair and makeup after a few minutes of pure silence I decided to speak.

"So where's scar at?"

"Oh uh the doctors put her on bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy she's been having problems with it I'm Samantha by the way but you can just call me Sam if you want."

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