Chapter 14

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Hi everyone welcome back to the day that we met a Austin Butler love story Soooooo excited to start this chapter because Ashley will do her first scene of Supernatural in a long time with the boys so let's hope that she doesn't mess up anything and there will be two separate interviews for Austin and Ashley one being in Australia where Austin's at because of filming and the other one is in Canada where Ashley's because she's filming Supernatural and there will be two outfits in this chapter because one Ashley has to wear something nice for the interview and she has to go to the premier of the last session of Supernatural so she will have to wear something nice so enough of me talking and let's start Chapter14 and I will see you guys at the end of this chapter and ps watch the video at the top because you guys will enjoy it.

Austin's Pov.

Dear diary.

It's been about two weeks since Ashley's been in Canada filming and I'm going crazy without her and not to mention that Aria and John Jr are missing their mom terribly I'm trying my best to make sure that their eating going to school on time and them doing their homework on top of working on the Elvis movie but I got a role in a new movie called Dune but it's the second and final part of the series i play the role of Feyd Rautha Harkonnen he's one of the villains in the movie but I haven't gotten to tell Ashley yet because of mine and Ashley's working schedules but I'm sure that she will see me talking about it tonight because there's going to be a interview about it which airs tonight but right now I've got to get ready for work and get Aria and John Jr ready for school and their dad is coming to pick them up at my work once their out of school. So until next time Austin Butler.

After I got done writing my diary and yes I have a diary now thanks to Ashley but she doesn't know that I have it I like writing down what's been going on in my life right now but I better go check on Aria and John Jr after I put my diary away I got ready for work once I was ready I started making my way towards there rooms I knocked on Aria's door she then stuck her head out between the crack I could tell that she had just woke up because she was rubbing her eyes I just smiled at her God she's just like her mother she's definitely Ashley's daughter but then I spoke to her.

"Morning sweetheart it's time to get up and ready for school okay and can you make sure that your brother gets up and ready for school for me please and make sure that you guys have your things packed because your dad will be picking up you up from my work okay."

After said that to her she just nodded her head I then started making my way downstairs to make breakfast once I got done plating everything I saw Aria and John Jr come walking down with their packed bags I just smiled at them once they sat down they started eating I just smiled at them once they were done with their breakfast they grabbed their things and then we left once we got to their school they started getting out but they stopped when I spoke to them.

"Hay Roger's going to pick you guys up when you get out of school and then he's bringing you guys to set until your dad comes and picks you up okay."

After I said that they nodded there heads at me and then they walked off as soon as I couldn't see them anymore I started making my way towards set once about twenty minutes later I pulled into my spot I got out I went straight to hair and makeup once I was like Elvis I walked over to Baz he just smiled when he saw me he then spoke to me.

"Ah there's our Elvis Presley how you doing Austin?"

"I'm doing okay I'm tired though and I'm missing Ashley."

"Yeah we all are kid but she'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah I know but anyways what are we working on today."

"Um actually your going to film some scenes with Tom the one where Elvis's mom died and a few other scenes with him does that sound okay with you?"

"Yeah that sounds good."

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