New Girl

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Yooooo...... Another X Reader story from your truly?

September 1, 2022

Dear Diary, so as of right now it's been 3 days since me and my mom have finally made to our apartment in New York. She told me her company has a new job out here and we had to move from DC to New York... She says this one is permenant... Yeah, right....

Y/n had finished writing in her Journal and was dressed for her First(well... not actually her first day of School) day of her new school....

"Hey mom I'm leaving now!"

"See you when I get home honey!"

"Alright, love ya!"


"New Girl.... You're with O'Neil..."

"Alright class, log onto your Chromebooks and start working on your projects.

Y/n grabbed one of the chromebooks out of the cart and looked around the room to find and April and saw her in a row in the back with an empty seat next to her.



"So... what're we doing?"

"Just some stupid old computing assignment that I'm pretty sure everybody is gonna slack off on... Which they usually do..." April said, pointing to some kids secretly on their phones...

"Ummmm.... Well.... It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/n."

"April O'Neil, pleasures all mine..."

"So this your first day here?"

"Yeah I just moved here a few days ago."

"Well welcome to New York y/n! I'm sure you'll love it, probably...."

"Yeah... I'm sure I'll like it..."


The next day in the morning....

"Yo Y/n!"

"Oh hey April."

"So... what's with the Bow in your Book bag."

"Oh signed up for the Archery Club yesterday afternoon."

"Archery? That sounds.... Alright I guess..."

"Yeah, most of the schools I've been to have had-

"Wait wait wait Schools?"

"Yep, This is like... the 5th time me and my mom had to move states... First it was California, Oregon, Michigan, DC and now it's New York..."

"Damn... Is it-

"Because of her Job? Yeah, her company is having her move locations like a Hot Potato... She says this job is gonna be the last time we have to move but I don't count on it. She said that the last 6 times."

"Wait I thought you said Five?"

"Oh my bad it was Six, I forgot about Illinois. We were there for like 5 months so it was pretty short...."

"Damn... Well, I hope you end up staying here..."



"Hey you wanna swap Phone Numbers?"

"Yeah sure!"


Friday, Last class on the day


"Alright class that's it for today, see you all next Monday!"

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