The League Of Evil Mutants

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Jesus Christ thanks for the support, didn't think this would get popular as fuck

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Jesus Christ thanks for the support, didn't think this would get popular as fuck....

Sooo, you all know how Mikey said every mutant that the turtles encountered besides Y/n have tried to kill them? Well those said mutants have been zipped from whatever ordeal they were doing and ended up in a dark room with only a table.... Yeah this is creepy Af....

"One of you two muties know what going on here? I got a birthday that needs repossessing..."

"Which one of you brought me here? Who do I have to cut in half and not bring back together!"


"All I see is fresh meat to butter me fly!"

"*insert mutahar laugh*"

"Which one of you saps is laughing?!"

It's Tiger Claw...

"I'm sorry I'm sorry your voice just sounds so BITCH MADE!"

"And who are you to talk about my voice?!"

"SILENCE.... Meat Sweats and Tiger Claw."

"Who the hell?"

Chuckling surfaced as a tall figure stepped out of the shadows approaching the mutants, Baron fucking Draxum, yeah y/n is gonna be furious as hell when she finds out he's responsible for the oozequito's....

"I am the one who brought you here.... When I look around this room, I see nothing but potential.... Who thinks it's time that we-

Right before Draxum finished what he said, a chair appeared with a light shining over it... The mutants just... and then a worm mutant jumped onto the table, Warren Stone....

"Please, continue...."


"Who invited a fucking worm?" Tiger Claw asked.

"I did..." Draxum told him...


"Go on and continue...." Tiger Claw said, trying his best not to laugh.

"*sigh* We join together today for one simple menacing-

And then the lights turned on and Todd was there with lemonade....



Tiger Claw then started laughing his ass off again.

A few minutes later of lemonade drinking...

So, thanks to Todd the mutants basically weren't listening to Draxum because of the lemonade.... Tiger Claw was the only one who didn't drink the lemonade cause he wasn't gonna get caught lacking like the others....

"ENOUGH! I brought you al here because the Turtles, my creations..."

"Those sorry ass bitches?" Tiger Claw said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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