The Sewers

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"T-There has to be a cure! I-I can't be stuck like this forever!"

"April stop bullshitting me and tell me there's a cure!"

"Y/n that's the thing, there isn't one..."


"Gotta Get Up, Gotta Get Out, Gotta Get Home, Before the morning comes..."

Y/n jolted awake from her nightmare as she heard her alarm go off from her phone.

Yes that is the song from Russian Doll...

"Huh? Oh April you wouldn't believe this crazy dream I had! I got bit by a mosquito and turned into a mutant crow monster and you told me that I was gonna be stuck like that for the rest of my life! Then the turtles came after me and Leo and Mikey attacked me and then after they calmed me down they took me to the sewers where they lived and-

Y/n then looked over her shoulder and saw Ralph standing over her with a plate of food and then she looked down at her body to still see feathers... and then it hit her....

"It wasn't.... A dream........"


Y/n just groaned as she buried her face in a pillow....

"Just leave me alone would ya?"

"You still gotta eat something you know." He said, trying to get her to eat.

"Leave it on the table and I'll eat it."

Ralph respected her wishes and placed her food on the table and left the room. Y/n dragged herself out of the bed and started eating, it was kinda hard since her mouth had bean replaced with a beak but she managed to get through. After that y/n grabbed a toothbrush and toothpaste and tried to sink to brush her teeth in... Luckily for her there was in the room so she used that one. A few minutes later if trying to do said thing, y/n started taking her stuff out of her bag and found her quiver of arrows to be refilled?

"How did-

She also found a sticky note on it from Mikey saying...

"Dear y/n, I'm sorry for me and Leo attacking you yesterday, hope this will let us move past what happened...." - Mikey.


"(I'll let him slide, don't know about his brother though)"

"Wow... went from moving to different cities to living in a sewer for the rest of my life..... god why am I talking to myself?"

And then y/n just found herself going on a rant about what happened yesterday, and no one there to listen to it.

"It was all fine! Everything was found good till that freaking bug showed up and turned me into this!" She yelled as she walked down the hall.

Y/n kept on walking until she found herself inside of a training room or Dojo that the turtles probably use.

"Can't sit here and mope all day."

Y/n grabbed some wooden training dummies and arranged them to face her like targets... She thought of training so she could try to get, until she realized she didn't have her bow on her.

"Ah shit."

Y/n ran back to the room realizing she left it on the table, when y/n got back, she grabbed both her quiver and arrow off the desk and rushed back to the training room.

Training is her form of coping with stuff that happens...

Once y/n walked back into the room, she started to train shooting the dummies with precise aim. Y/n had years of practicing Archery so the arrows landed perfectly without fail...

"Birds of an Arrow" ROTTMNT X Mutant! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now