Puttitng The Hate Behind....

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And last but not least..... We've got Leo.

(Oh yeah thanks for getting this to 2000 Reads!)

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(Oh yeah thanks for getting this to 2000 Reads!)

September..... 2022, Dear Diary.... So.... It's been a week since I last wrote this so I guess I have a lot of stuff to catch up on.... Well for one, I'm a Mutant Bird now and living in the sewers with Turtles. Mom officially doesn't care about my well-being or anything since she hasn't called me or nothing so I can care less about her if she won't care about me.... I also have powers and all of that shit, but other than that I guess I'm getting used to living like this.....

Y/n tosses her journal aside and looked at her phone. Though she already wrote it she's officially come to terms with her life as a mutant.... She kinda found it funny how she started to hate Nee York after it happened, but guess the turtles(other than Leo) proved her wrong.

Knock Knock Knock


"Hey y/n! Can you come out for a few minutes, we gotta have a talk." Donnie said from outside.

"Oh shit...."

"Yeah coming Donnie!" Y/n said, nervously.

Y/n got off her bed immediately expecting the worse. She was thinking at Mikey had mouthed about what the two did the other day.

"I swear to god if Mikey told him- *opens the door* Hey sorry I took so long." Y/n said, switching up as she opened the door facing Donnie...

Yeah it's Canon Donnie is 5'3 and Y/n is 5'5 Changed her OG height l from 5'8 to 5'5) in her mutant form so.... Yeah....

Hey look, it's me once again changing the two idiots heights!


"Huh.... Never realized how you were kinda taller than me." Donnie said.

"I mean, yeah I guess I grew a few inches after, you know, the mosquito."

"You know, besides Raph you're the tallest one out of us all." Donnie said.

"That supposed to be a compliment?" Y/n asked sarcastically.

"I mean.... If you want it to be a compliment..."



Both of them stood there awkwardly and were slightly blushing but quickly tried to hide it.

"Pretend I didn't say that!" Donnie yelled, heading to the game room.

"Got it!" Y/n responded as she followed him.


Y/n walked in with Donnie entered the game room where Raph and Mikey were waiting for her.

"Birds of an Arrow" ROTTMNT X Mutant! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now