Training Day and Movie Night

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Damn this took longer than I expected it to....

"Gotta Get Up, Gotta Get Out, Gotta Get Home, Before the morning comes..."

Y/n woke up to the alarm on her phone to the same ringtone as Yesterday(Basically she watched Russian Doll and decided to make Gotta Get Up play on her Alarm). After exploring the sewers yesterday with Donnie, she went back to her room to try and take a nap. But you know how you try to take a nap and end up falling asleep for god knows how long? Yeah that happened to her.

"Crap, how long was I out for?"

Y/n grabbed her phone to turn off her alarm and looked at the time....

11:00 AM


Y/n jumped out of bed tossing some fresh clothes on and to the kitchen, before running back to grab her bow for training...


Y/n burst into the kitchen, tossing her bow on the counter and searching the fridge and cabinets trying to make something to eat... As she was doing so, Raph made his way into the kitchen while y/n was turning the kitchen into Hell's Kitchen.

"Oh uh, Morning Y/n."

"Morning." Y/n said, taking stuff out of the fridge.

"It's 11 O'clocks why are you making breakfast?"

"No freaking clue. So where's everyone else?" Y/n asked.

"Leo, Mikey and Donnie went out on a mission and i stayed behind."

"Oh how fun..." Y/n said.

"You know what I'm just gonna make cereal and cal it." Y/n muttered as she searched the fridge.

"What about you?" Raph asked.

"Well i took a nap, that turned into me going to sleep and now i woke up about 5 minutes ago or something and boom! It's 11 o'clock."

"Hey I feel you, same thing happens to me." Raph said agreeing with y/n.


"Yeah! One time I slept through half of a day! And Mikey had drawn on my face with a marker!"


Y/n then proceeded to burst out laughing.

"Whoa man!"

"Yeah it was so funny! For them...."

"Hey uh, raph... Could you do me a favor?" Y/n asked, as she stopped laughing.

"Yeah sure what's up?"

"Mind helping me out with training?"


"Okay so what do you need me to do?"

"Can you grab some of those planks and toss them at my direction so i can shoot them?" Y/n said, readying her Bow.


Raph did what Y/n asked him to do and grabbed some planks from the side of the Dojo and tossed them in Y/n's direction, all getting shot by arrows and falling to the ground.. This went on for a few minutes... and then became an Hour...

"Hey uh.... I was thinking... Maybe we should try something different." Raph suggested, picking up planks from the floor.

"Like what?" Y/n asked as she was collecting her arrows.

"Maybe.. Hand-To-Hand combat?"

Y/n stopped shooting arrows once Raph finished his sentence, taking a moment to come up with an answer to Raph's suggestion.

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