dude please stop drinking. (angst)

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hi there!!
for clarification, this takes place in chapter four. sal texts like this and larry texts like this.
alcohol usage and attempted suicide warning, please dont read if your sentitive to stuff like that.
other than that enjoy!!!

as sal walked back up to his room after talking to todd, he felt his phone buzz.

sal. im sry dude. pls dont blame urself.

sry 4 wat? wat r you talking about?
sal looked at his phone screen in confusion. 'the hell is larry going on about?' he thought to himself.

he felt his phone buzz again.

its my time to go.

sal looked at his phone with even more questions running in his head.

u better not be doing anything stupid.

its too late. ill be gone soon.

stop messing around larry this isnt fucking funny.

sal was worried now. was larry okay? was this just a prank? he didnt know.



'fuck.' sal thought to himself, extremely worried.

he decided to call larry, see if he was alright.

one ring. "pick up." sal said worried, larry took a while to reach the phone normally but he was so fucking worried.

two rings. "pick up the phone larry." at this point sals head was running. he was scared. 'is he okay?? whats going on?? why is he doing this now??'

three rings. "oh god larry..." sal didnt know when the tears started, but he was crying.

"SHIT. THE APARTMENTS!! HES GOTTA BE THERE!!" sal screamed as he started running downstairs and out the door as fast as he could.

he ran down the road past the church, he needed to get to larry. and he needed too get there fast.

he ran as fast as he could into the apartments.

he slammed the elevator open, finally catching his breath while it went down to the basement.

he yelled looking around the apartment

he burst into larry's room, desperately looking around.

"WHERE ARE YOU?? THIS ISNT FUNNY!!" he screamed before looking at the exit connected to larry's room.

'the treehouse!!' he internally screamed, running outside to the small treehouse.

"LARRY!?" he screamed climbing the ladder. thats where he found larry.

passed out, next to an empty bottle of alcohol and some pills.

"LARRY NO!!" sal screamed running over to the body of his best friend.

he grabbed larry's body into a hug.


he screamed while sobbing trying to grab larry's phone to call the cops.

"CMON LARRY STAY WITH ME!! PLEASE..." sal sobbed while dialing 911. he prayed they would show up sooner.

ash was relaxing at home, when she got a call from larry.

'larry almost never calls, wonder whats up?' she thought to herself, picking up the phone.

the caller wasnt larry.

right after picking up, she heard sobbing.

"ASH.. ASH GET OVER HERE.. PLEASE HES DYING ASH!!.." sal screamed into the phone, then started sobbing harder.

"sal??? sal whats going on?!!" ash asked grabbing her jacket and helmet.

"HES- HES DYING ASH!! GET OVER HERE.. HE TOOK PILLS AND DRUGS.. FUCK LARRY STAY WITH ME!!" sal yelled back, he was a mess. ash barely understood him at certain words.

"sal where are you??" ash asked starting up her bike.

"TREEHOUSE!! FUCK ASH GET OVER HERE!!! PLEASE ASH" sal screamed, he was sobbing hard.

"im on my way sal!!!" ash said back.

"PL.... LARR... STAY.... PLEASE..." sal screamed in between sobs and sniffles, it was hard to hear him.

by the time ash had gotten to the treehouse, there were cops and ambulances everywhere.

ash ran up to one of the cops.
"where is he!? where is sal??" she asked him, voice just below yelling.

"hes over in that car. be calm, hes shaken up." the cop pointed to one of the cars.

ash ran over, the closer she got, the louder sal's sobs were. the sniffles and the small short drops of breath.

"sal!! what happened?" she asked running in front of sal. he looked like a mess.
he was still sobbing, he was shaking hard too.

sal just pulled ash into a tight hug.

"he.. bottle and.. pill.. sick... phone..." was all he could mutter out between his sobs.

ash hugged him tight, starting to cry herself.

after getting larry to a hospital, a nurse came to approach them.

"hello ma'ams, we have news on your friend." the nurse said, looking down at her notepad.

"is he okay?? how is he?? is he gonna survive??" sal stood up and ran to her.

"sir- sir. hes gonna be okay. be glad you called when you did, otherwise i doubt he would be in this good of shape for an overdose."

sal sat back down and turned to ash, who was just looking at the door to larry's room.

they decided to stay the night, figuring that sal would wanna see larry as soon as it was possible.

around 10 am the next morning, sal was woken up by a nurse.

"sir, you can see your friend again now. hes okay."

sal shot up out of the hospital chair he was in, and ran into larry's room.

"LARRY!!!" he yelled running to the side of larrys hospital bed.

larry was sitting up with a small smile on his face.

"..hey sally face" he said in a strained voice.

sal just pulled larry into a hug while he cried.

"you...you asshole... never do that again.... ever.." sal let out while crying into larry.

"i wont. i promise." larry let out before hugging sal closer.

suddenly, the world didnt seem that scary. he had larry with him. forever.

WOOOO!!!!! first sally face fanfic and its angst!!!!

i hope you guys liked this one!! it was a bit different from how i normally write but im proud of it either way!!


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