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My biggest dream is to study at the University of Music and Arts in Vienna, the city of music

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My biggest dream is to study at the University of Music and Arts in Vienna, the city of music. The best teachers in the world, colorful cultural events, a diversity of talented students, and of course the best connections to be made, opening doors for every type of music career...A dream!

The alchemist once said, "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure."

Well, there's always one other thing that makes dreams impossible to achieve...
Being Broke.


The water of the chopped tomatoes spread throughout the cutting board before it was swiped away by your hand as you picked up the pieces of the fruit to place into a bowl. "God, I almost lost my mind with that kid. Good thing that he moved away."

"Little Billzo?" Your older sister hummed, recounting the memories of you coming home completely exhausted and babbling on from one tangent to another about the kid. "Did his parents at least pay you for the lessons?"

"Yes, but my savings still aren't even close to paying for a year at the university." You sighed, looking down at the chipping wood disappointed. She turned to you at the sound in concern, moving beside you to dump the chopped onions atop the tomatoes. "I thought I'd be able to study music at a University right after graduating high school," you set the knife down halfway through the pepper, "but now I'm starting to worry that I'll never save enough to go to school in Vienna."

She looked off to the side, her hair covering a portion of her sight. "Or...you could start looking for something more...affordable. Something nearby." She knows that going to the University has been your dream ever since you were in middle school and advanced in piano. She hoped you would have started to look for different options as you got older but it seemed like your dream just got bigger and bigger as the days went by. She turned to you seeing you looking at her already with a pained frown, "Who knows?" Maybe you won't even need to move out?"

"The local schools aren't that good, you know that." You grumbled, hand tightening around the sharp utensil, continuing to cut the green vegetable. "And you know that-"

"Mom would be proud if you studied in Vienna...I know." She finished, her eyes tightened shut to stop her threatening tears. She continued the discourse, her voice becoming more gentle, "But maybe you can also consider music schools with full scholarships, not something that's affordable just for the elites?"

Her name left your lips, the whisper of sadness masking under the mature facade you were trying to keep up. "Maybe you're right. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something." Your shoulders bounced with the small laugh you let out, desperate to brush off the reality of what you had declared.

Her warm hand settled on your shoulder, your griefed gaze ultimately comforted as it met her reassuring one. "Hey, it isn't the end of the world if you have to pick something less fancy. Some things just aren't meant for...regular people." A final smile rose upon both your lips before the moment was immediately disturbed by the loud cry of your phone.

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