Chapter Eleven

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It was Monday, the first day of school for the week after a fun weekend spent at the Twinleaf Festival. The kids were sitting at their desks, chatting about the fun weekend that they spent together.

"It was so cool to see your dad battle in person." Alan said, looking at Alex.

"Yeah, that battle was wicked!" Jake added.

"It was very entertaining. That trainer that he faced wasn't holding back." Anthony commented.

"The battle was good, but Serena's Pokemon showcase was amazing!" Grace cried.

"Yeah, because you're into all that stuff." Alan commented.

"I'm kinda torn on what to do. Coordinating or performing. They're both entertaining and have caught my attention." Grace said.

"Really?" Julia asked.

"Yeah. I mean, ever since I first saw a contest, I wanted to be a coordinator, but now, seeing a's like a contest, but without the battle round. It's like one giant appeal."

"Well, we all plan on traveling together when we're old enough to go on a journey. Maybe after we finish in Sinnoh, we could then travel across Kalos, where Pokemon showcases are held. That way, you could perform in both contests and showcases." Isla suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. We don't mind going to Kalos after Sinnoh." said Anthony. The others nodded in agreement.

A small silence passed over the group of friends.

"Thanks again for winning me that stuffed Pokemon doll at the festival." Julia said to Jake.

"You're welcome, Julia."

"Yeah, thanks again for my doll too, Alex." Grace said.

"You're welcome, Grace."

"So, I saw my dad after the festival, talking to some women. My dad mentioned that he had a son already and then they seemed disinterested and left." Jake said. "I'm worried that I'm the reason why my dad hasn't found someone yet. Women don't want to date someone who already has a kid."

"You're not the reason for that, Jake." Melissa said sternly.

"Yeah, it's their loss. You're an awesome guy!" Trey added.

"There's someone out there for your dad, Jake." Grace said.

"Yeah, I mean, my mom had me and still found love." Julia added.

"Yeah, our parents had both of us and ended up together. Your dad will find someone, too." Alex added.

"Don't believe that you're the problem, Jake. You're not the problem, it's the women." Anthony said.

"We have a basketball game today after school." Julia said.

"Yeah, against Veilstone City." Melissa added.

"And I'm playing in today's game!" Grace cried.

"Really?!" the boys exclaimed.

"Yep. One of the girls is sick and I was chosen as the replacement player to take her place. It's the first time that I'm playing in a game this year."

"That's great, Grace." Alan said.

"Way to go!" Jake cried.

"We'll come and watch the game." Anthony replied.

"That's awesome, Grace. I know that this means a lot to you." said Alex.

Mr. Graham then walked into the room and the chatter stopped. It was time to begin class.

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