Chapter Eighteen

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Today was the day of the Sinnoh's Elementary School Floor Hockey Championship. The Twinleaf Weaviles were in the finals, ready to defend their title from the year before. The Sinnoh Now crew were in the gym, broadcasting the game on TV all across the region, just like they do every year. There was only one minute left on the clock and the Weaviles were winning!

Even Princess Sarah had managed to come to the her ususal disguise, of course. She was on her feet with the rest of the Weaviles fans and cheering loudly with everyone else.

Then the buzzer sounded. The Weaviles had won the championship for the second year in a row!

"They won!" Sarah cried, hugging Julia, who laughed and hugged her back.

"Their second title in a row!" Grace cried excitedly.

Dawn had been hired to take some pictures for the Twinleaf Town newspaper, so she had been on the sidelines taking pictures throughout the game and was about to take pictures of the trophy presentation. She had taken some pictures of the players hugging one another, shaking hands with the opposing team, and the coach walking up to his team and congratulating them.

Once the trophy was presented and the team photo was taken, the people in the stands were able to come down onto the court.

The girls immediately ran over to the boys and leaped into their arms. Grace was hugging Alex, Isla hugged Alan, Sarah hugged Anthony, and Julia and Melissa were hugging Jake.

"You guys were amazing!" the girls cried. "You were even better than last year!"

"Well, you guys have to be our biggest supporters. You cheer for the team louder and prouder than any of the other kids." the boys replied.

Dawn then came over and snapped a picture of the friends together with the trophy as a way to remember the game.

"It was great to see you play, I've never been to a real hockey game. You all play with such passion and intensity. It's no wonder that the Weaviles had a perfect winning record this year with no losses. All of you are the best players that the team has." Sarah commented once Dawn walked away.

"Well, my passion comes from my dad. He inspired me to play hockey because he was once a hockey player himself." Anthony replied.

"We work as a team and that's why we work so well together. As the team captain, that's something that I had to show the younger kids." said Alex. "My dad also has the same passion and intensity when he's in a Pokemon battle."

"Alex helped us become a better team since he joined us last year. Jake adds a great addition, too." Alan commented.

"I never thought that I would enjoy hockey as much as I do now, I only joined the team to try a different sport that I hadn't played before. But it's because of the others that I play like I do, I have to keep up with them and not let them down. Like Alex said, we're a team and we work together." Jake added.

"And we have the full support of all of the other students at school and we don't want to disappoint anyone." Alex finished.

"Well, by playing sports this way, it's preparing you for when you become Pokemon trainers and begin your journey. The drive will carry on from hockey and into battling and it will help you reach your goals! Same thing goes for us girls and basketball." Julia declared.

A small silence passed and a few older kids approached the group. These specific older kids played for the school's grade fourth through sixth grade hockey team. Alex and the others would be in the fourth grade next year and would be playing with the older kids in school.

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