Patience Φ

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"Should we wake them?"

"Do you wanna die, because that's how you die!"

"They fucked in my car! No doubt staining my back seat with their man juices!"

"Does anyone else think Warren and Johnson have nice asses?"

"They just had to fuck in my car!"

"I knew Johnson has a nice ass, but Warren?"

"Aren't you straight, Monroe?"

"Of course I am! But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate a nice ass when I see one, or two in this case."

My hearing is the first to perk up at the distressed voices not far away. Not even a few milliseconds pass before a pounding hangover headache causes a soft moan to escape which thankfully shuts down the torturous voices.

The next thing my body recognize is a firm and dried sticky body that is emitting enough heat to put the Sahara desert to shame.

Cracking open an eye, I see the face that haunts my erotic dreams with both eyes wide open staring with a goofy grin.

"Good morning." No matter how sexy Leon's husky voice is, it doesn't stop the killer pulsing in my head.

"No! No! No!" Franks, who I'm assuming is the one having a fit. "This is not a good morning! You two did the nasty on my back! Not only that, but while I was in it! Those stains won't be easy to get out! I just can't take it to get my seats steamed cleaned! You want to know why? Because then they will think I'm into fucking on my backseat!"

"Then it looks like you'll be driving with dried cum on your back seat." For a bunch of 'hardcore' miltary, they sure do giggle like a bunch of school girls.

My face goes up in flames knowing I'll have to take a 'Walk of Shame' meaning I'll have to run butt ass naked with dried sexual fluids caked to my skin all the way to my room with more than enough pair of eyes watching.

"Well here goes nothing...." I mumbled with a sigh.

Crawling hazardously from the backseat, my limbs don't want to cooperate with my hammering brain. It's a miracle I don't hurt myself when I finally do get out with Leon right behind, no doubt enjoying my back view.

Ignoring the smirking men, I march into the house as quickly as my 'wet noodle-y' legs would carry me.

Reaching my destination, which is my bathroom, I start the shower before stepping in with Leon right behind me.

"No sexy time." I order firmly to a pouting Leon. "That includes no touching of our man bits."

The big man sighs reluctantly. "If we mustn't...."

We are able to shower without any sexy stuff going on, which is a miracle in itself, because I had to keep slapping Leon's naughty hands away from my member and ass.

With my body sweat and cum free, I slip from the shower to grab a towel to dry off. Standing in front of my mirror, I wipe the condensation off to be met with a view I did not expect.

Huge ass teeth marks mere the spot where my shoulder and neck connects. It's red and inflamed, but surprisingly doesn't hurt. If that's not weird enough, in very loopy cursive letters lays an A-LW right in the middle of the bite mark.

"What the actual fuck?"

Faster than a blink, Leon is right behind me, causing a small yelp of fright to escape.

"How?" I can't help but stutter, moving as far away from him as I can, which isn't far since I'm stopped by the sink. "How did you move so fast?"

Leon holds his hands up in surrender to try to keep me calm. "Emmett, sweetheart. I'm so sorry, I know I should of waited until you knew the real me, but..... "

"But what?"

"I don't have very much patience...." His eyes cloud over with fear, fear from what I do not know. "Then add alcohol and no clothes, I just couldn't help myself...."

Hoping he doesn't notice, I inch my way to the close door. "I know your human."

My feet stop suddenly, dear whatever God out there, please don't let this man be crazy I pray in my head.

"And I tried to fight it, the mark I mean. Just sex, that was all it was supposed to be, I wasn't gonna mark you until you knew me fully, but my wolf took control...."

The just sex part kind of stung, but that shouldn't be what I got out of Leon's little speech. The wolf part should be what I focus on.

That shows where my priorities are.....

"Wolf....." I breath. Oh great, just my luck, the guy I have the hots for thinks he's a wolf.

He pleas with his glossy eyes for me to understand, but I can't. He's crazy! "It's hard to believe, but I can prove it!"

I nod my head rapidly. Anything to get him farther away from me. Crazy man rush to the door, before he's even through it, a titanic of a wolf is in his place.

If it wasn't for watching the transformation with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed him, but I saw his bones mold and fur grow in less than a second.

My eyes almost didn't catch it.......

The wolf, which is Leon....

Is taller than me....

I just reach his chin. The wolf is fluffy, so fluffy that his fur makes him appear larger. His coat shines in the morning rays, a brilliant shade of black, with bits of white accenting his midnight coat.

"Oh shit!" Is my first reaction, before my lungs constrict, leaving me gasping for much needed air

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