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As I lay in bed, I ponder the thought of how I'm going to explain to the Marines on why I can't go back when the last 3 months of my leave is up. This came to me this morning after I woke up. For about half an hour, I have been thinking of this while my alpha mate sleeps soundlessly.

My thoughts are interrupted by my having to throw up. Hurrying to the toilet, I throw up. From the sound of me throwing up, I hear a groaning sound, before my back is being rubbed.

"I forgot that I'll feel everything that is happening to you during the pregnancy." Leon just now mentions it.

When I'm done. I wash my mouth and brush my teeth, before I turn to Leon with a smirk.

"Good, now you will know what I'm going throw during this pregnancy." Leon smirks at my words before nuzzling me into his chest.

"I don't care, as long as I have you and our pup." His words has me remembering our complication.

"What about the Marines? How am I going to explain to them that I can't go back in 3 months?" I bite my lower lip as dread fills me.

Leon smirks at me, hurting my feelings in the process. Does he want me to go back? Tears fill my eyes, he must of know what I was thinking, for he takese in his arms, squeezing me to his chest.

"No no no, baby, it's not what you think. I'm smirking because you don't need to worry your sexy head." He wipes my tears that fallen.

Damn pregnancy emotions, I'm all emotional. I need to get a hold on these emotions, before I turn into a emotional mess.

"What are you going to do?" I ask as I wrap my arms around him, and pressing my face in his neck.

"I'll Pull some strings, I have friends in the high ranks of the military." Leon responds. I blow out the breathe I was holding, relaxing as I do so.

"Come on mate. Our parents want to meet for breakfast." Ever since Leon, Jade,  and Mark learned that my parents died. They insisted on me calling them dad and papa. Naturally, I agreed, for I felt a bond towards them.

Leon guides me to the dining room,  because I still don't know my way around the pack house.

Stepping into the dining room, arms wrap around me, squeezing me tightly. Knowing it's Jade, I squeeze him back.

"Love, don't squeeze him tightly. He's carrying our grandchildren." Mark tells Jade, causing me to pout.

"I'm not fragile." I say as I kiss Jade's cheek.

"I know that, it's the alpha in me to want to make sure pregnant mates aren't hurt." Mark tells me as he pulls a chair out for Jade, Leon pulling one out for me too.

Sitting down, the table is already set with plates of bacon, cinnamon buns, hash browns, and oranges.

Licking my lips, I dig into the cinnamon buns first. Moaning at the taste, I take another bite. It's been so long since I had one. I almost forgot the taste of my favorite breakfast food.

"Jade! Your buns are delicious!" I say before gobbling up the last one on my plate.

"Thank you!" Jade beams from the compliment.

"Emmett?" Mark gets my attention, turning my head towards him, I give him my full attention.

"Are you ready to meet the alphas and lunas?" I forgot about that.

"It needs to be done." I say, wiping my mouth on a napkin.

"Good, they'll be here tomorrow." Mark smiles, as he takes a bite of his bacon.

A hand grasp mine, knowing it's Leon from the sparks. Turning my head, I peck his lips.

A smirk graces his lips. "What was that for."

"Because I wanted too." I'm taken by surprise as Leon's wet and warm tongue glides across the side of my face.

Wiping my face, I glare at him. "What was that for?"

"Because I wanted too." I get ready to lick him back, but he grabs my tongue.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, unless you want dad and papa to see me fucking you on this table." Leon growls sexily in my ear, causing a moan to fall from my lips.

Growling louder, Leon picks me up gently,  then marches to our room. Throwing me on the bed, I bounce as I land. Leon stand the door shut before stalking to me.

Oh the things I can't wait for him to do to me. Today is going to be a fun day.

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