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Being pressed gently to the bed, with little to no pressure on top of me, lips pressed to my neck, and hands exploring my body. Sparks override my system. everywhere Leon touched sent fire straight to my groin, making me harder than a rock. I know he feels the same for his hard groin is pressed against mine, sending pleasure throughout our bodies.

His lips leaves my neck as his hands glide down my body to the hem of my shirt, he grabs it, pulling it over my head as he makes sure his hands touch my body all the way.

Fire erupts throughout my whole body, moans pass my lips. With just a touch I'm over the moon. This man is a god.

Leon's tongue licks my lips, before pressing wet kisses down my neck and all over my chest, getting lower and lower. He stops at my bump and gently rubs it, placing kisses all over it. My heart grows even more for him, even in my stomach, he's a great daddy.

When he's down worshipping my stomach, he kisses until he is at the waistline of my sweats.

Hooking a finger into the waistline, he pulls them down, with my boxers too,  where I'm naked for only him to see.

"Well lookie here, my mate is excited." Leon whisper is raspy and filled with lust.

Palming my erection, I moan, bucking my hips. "More!" My voice is airy and lust filled.

Smirking gorgeously, his lips slowly descends to where I want him too be. But all good things must come to an end as the door is thrust open.

Our heads snap to the door to see that William is standing there looking nervous.

Growling, Leon covers my body with his. "What!"

His wolf is in control, I can tell by his deeper voice. When mates are together sexually the wolf is in control so it's dangerous for a wolf to barge in on mates mating. That can get you killed.

"You better have a good reason for interrupting my mate and I, or I'll rip you to pieces!" Leon' wolf growl shakes the glass.

William twist his neck in submission. "I'm sorry my King, but Alpha Amma and Erin are fighting!"

Leon growls, before turning to me, pecking my lips, he then covers me with our blanket before getting off me and ruining out the room.

William turns to follow him,  but I stop him. "You are going to help me down the stairs!"

He nods, then turns around, to give me privacy. Sliding my sweats and T-shirt back on, I waddle to William.

William helps me down the long flights of stairs, I go as fast as I can before I have him carry me.

Reaching the bottom of the last set of stairs, he sets me down. Crashing and growling reaches my ears long before I reach the bottom of the stairs.

Wadding to the lounge area, on the way there vases. pictures, and furniture are knocked over and broken. William, seeing the the glass picks me up, for I am barefoot. He sets me down when we reach the lounge area which is a mess.

The couches are ripped opened, stuffing everywhere, the coffee tables are broken, glass scattered. Ripped fabric litters the floor. In the middle of the wrecked lounge are to huge as wolves growling and ripping flesh from each other.

Both wolves are gorgeous, even matted with blood. The black wolf with a white muzzle, ears, legs, and the tip of the tail,  is clearly winning, as it as the brownish reddish wolf pinned to the ground, but it's legs are clawing at the white and black wolf's stomach.

What pisses me off isn't the fighting, but no one was doing anything about it. A room full of alpha males, and they are just standing there doing nothing.

Something builds inside of me, it could be anger, I don't know, but something tells me only I can stop this fight. 

"Enough!" My order is harsh and pissed. Every head snaps towards me, even the fighting wolves.

The fighting wolves scurry away from each other. "Shift!"

Their bodies twist and turn as they shift back. The white mad black wolf turns put to be Amma and the brown reddish is Erin. Standing up naked doesn't phase me.

They both have bite marks mad blood all over them, but Erin has the worst of it. "What the hell is going on here!"

When no one speaks, my anger raises, my military attitude coming out. "Are you deaf? Didn't I ask a question? When ask a question, I expect an answer!

"My Queen, I'm sorry, but Erin!" Amma spits Erin's name out. "Was disrespecting you. You are my Queen, I will not listen to a tramp badmouthing you!"

That hits the feels, knowing that only knowing each other a short amount of time, she actually cares. I knew she would make a great friend.

"Why didn't any of you stop them?" My voice normal again, as I ask the crowd.

"We won't stand having our Queen being disrespected. You are the rightful Queen, mated to the king, picked by the goddess. Not a slut." An alpha from Leon's group of friends speaks up, as every Alpha and Luna nods their head in agreement.

My throat becomes thick with emotion. "I don't know what to say to that, but thank you for excepting me as your King's mate, and Queen."

"No problem, I didn't have a problem kicking her ass." Amma smirks cockily.

"You interrupted my sexy time with my mate. Do you know how hard it is getting laid when you're pregnant? Only handjobs and blowjobs! No one can survive with just that! I need actual sexy time!" I whine.

I stroke my imaginary beard, since I shave every morning. "For punishment you both are to clean the lounge!"

Amma and Erin groans, bug knows not to argue with me. "Alpha Louis and Alpha Jose, watch and make sure they clean and replace everything that is broken." I order.

Then just set my gaze onto Leon. The heat in our gaze turning me on. The Alphas and Lunas smirk as they smell our arousal.

Leon growls, his eyes turning black, he marches over to me with determined steps, licking me us bridal style, he slams his lips to mine.

I moan into the kiss, as I tangle my hands into his hair. My back is gently pressed to the wall. My legs on either side of his hips.

"Free porn!" I hear some of the guys whistle.

I break free from Leon's lips, speaking breathlessly. "Upstairs!"

The Alphas groan, as Leon uses his speed to carry me to our room. Pressing me gently on the bed,  he takes my clothes off and his and made love to me all night long.

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