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She felt like she was floating.

Her whole body felt light and weightless, everything around her was coved in smoke and mist. She didn't remember how she got here. The last thing she could remember was lying in Sesshomaru's bed too weak to even move,  thinking about her friends and how sorry she was that she wouldn't  able to and help them or see them one last time.


She turned around to see her father.


She was waiting for the feeling of hurt and anger to wash over her but found she didn't feel anything but peace. It was a wonderful feeling.

For once she felt truly content. She smiled at him making a tear drop fall from his handsome face.

"My sweet angel. You shouldn't be here" he said walking up to her

"Why not? I feel happy father" she said speaking the truth. She's always wanted to meet him properly, to speak to him. to ask him about his life.

"This is the borderline between the afterlife and the land of the living. You near death baby, you have refused to take substance into your body for what your brother had done to you" he said as he went to cup her lovely face between his hands

"I am sorry dad, but I refuse to live my life in a cage, I finally found my peace" she smiled at him again making him sigh letting go of her face.

"You still have a destiny ahead of you InuYasha. Your brother will not let you go easily into the afterlife" he insisted.

"He does not care father. He only cares for his rules, he wants to dominate my life to his will. Why did you tell him I was to be his mate? His heart is made of stone! "

Her father shook his head sadly.

"He needs you more than you realize. I am proud of my son, and I know that with your loving heart he will be a great ruler. You, my little angel, will be his strength in the battles to come, for you he will become a force to be reckoned with"

Hearing this, the young hanyou scowled

"I won't be a means to an end father, I rather stay here forever in serenity" she said more determined.

"He is fighting to save you even as we speak Inuyasha"

Inuyasha shook her head in denial.

"He left me alone and incarcerated when all I wanted to do is help my friends who are my family! He betrayed me after I let a smidge of trust for him touch my heart. No dad. I will not go back to him. I refuse"

"I am sorry Inuyasha, but you cant stay, you belong in the land of the living, not here"

"NO! I want peace" Inuyasha said more forcefully as she felt a slight pulling sensation in her abdomen.

"You will find peace, be patient" He said to her before she started to fade.


Inuyasha looked around her and saw that everything was getting brighter.


"Wait..,that voice!" She looked around the brightness, feeling like she should be doing something, but didn't know what that was. Her body was getting heavier, her mind fogged and slow. She wanted to go back to the tranquility she was enjoying earlier.


Scents were swamping her nose. She could smell Sesshomaru, but since she was in his bedroom it didn't surprise her but it was stronger than it should have been. She closed her eyes and let the heaviness take her down.

"Inuyasha .....wake up koneko"

"There's only one person who called me 'kitten' "

Forcing her eyes open to look into the golden eyes of her brother, only his face was all wrong.

He looked anxious and fearful, something she knew he was never. She saw him expel a breath of relief before he touch his forehead to hers. Her stomach felt like it was cramping but she still couldn't move. The female grunted in pain and scrunched up her face as a sharp pain hit her body unexpectedly.

"Breath koneko, it will pass, once it does drink more broth" he said in a low voice. Inuyasha breathed low and steady until it passed, that alone left her weak and she wanted nothing more than to close her eyes and sleep.

"Drink" he said holding a cup to her lips. The aroma of the broth hit her sensitive nose making her mouth water a bit, but she turned her head refusing to eat. She had peace and it slipped away. She wanted to go back.

"Please koneko drink" she looked at her brother startled.

His mask of arrogance was gone leaving his emotions clear for the hanyou to read for the first time.

She looked into his amber eyes and saw that he was pleading to her. She wanted to rebuff him. Where were these emotions when he locked her away?

She felt him sigh and drink the liquid him self. She frowned at him in confusion. "What's he-"

He then fasted his mouth on hers making her drink the soup from his mouth. Her mouth watered at the taste of the broth, warm and rich down her throat. He kept his mouth securely on to hers and this time plunging his tongue into her mouth tasting her.

She broke away from him and turned to face the other way. She refused to let him take control over her again

"I know you are angry with me InuYasha" he said making her turn to him and give him a look that plainly said

"No shit Sherlock! "

"But you went too far. Do you not realize that had I came a few days too late you would have perished?"

"Oho I knew" she whispered, voice husky from days of not using it.

He gave her a small snarl then laid her back onto the bed before he got up. She saw him rip the sutra from the window before opening it letting the sunlight and cool breeze from the October wind blow past making her hunger to be outside.

She closed her eyes and another breeze blew past her, making her smile at the smell of trees and leaves. She fell asleep before she could notice that her brother had slipped into the bed with her.

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