-| C6. I'm going out |-

666 6 35

TW: Swearing

Bryce's POV:

"Can Subject 02-3 and Subject 06-3 please come to the testing room?" Airy spoke though the speaker. That was Folder and Abstracty. Well jeez, I guess there is a God. The mess of triangles was pushing the turn-off Folder though the door. It shut behind them. Fucking finally.

Abstracty's POV:

M3 4nd Folder w3r3 g0|ng th0ugh th3 l0ng h4lls. W3 g0t l0st, 4nd I w4s t|r3d 0f push|ng h|m. I l3ft h|m, 4nd w3nt t0 f|nd 0ut wh3r3 I w4s g0|ng. I h34rd runn|ng. Tw0 p30pl3 runn|ng. I rush3d 0v3r t0 s33 wh0 th3y w3r3. My flrst gu3ss w4s Subway Seat. H3'd b33n m|ss|ng f0r 4 wh|le. Th3n, s0m3 str4ng3 l|qu|d f|ll3d th3 h4ll. I w4s 4bl3 t0 fl04t 0v3r |t, but I w4s c0nc3rn3d 4b0ut th3 0th3r tw0, 4nd Folder. I k3pt fl04t|ng ov3r t0 th3 s0unds 0f sh0ut|ng.

"What is that stuff!?" I h34rd Subway Seat 4sk.

"Liquid nitrogen. It weakens anything it touches." I h34rd s0m30n3 3ls3 s4y. W4|t... W4s th4t Backpack!? I l00k3d 4r0und th3 c0rn3r 4nd y3p, Backpack |s r|ght th3r3. H3 w4s c4rry|ng Subway Seat, 4nd h4d 4ng3l w|ngs 4nd 4 h4l0! H3 l00k3d 4m4z|ng. I w4nt3d t0 d3p|ct h|m s0 b4d, but n0w |s n0t th3 t|m3. | h34d3d 0v3r t0 Folder

Subway Seat's POV:

This was just plain crazy. Sure, getting transported to a mysterious facility is weird but, THIS IS CRAZY! We continued down the halls, flying this time. Eventually, we got to a door. But it was locked by a code. Liam effortlessly entered something on the keypad and the door opened. So much for security. The door led us into a cave. The entrance was blocked off by a waterfall. As the door shut behind us, we flew out of the waterfall. And the setting was beautiful. There was a small beach where we landed. A log cabin and a forest just beyond it. Another cave was spotted. It's entrance was covered by long vines.

"Finally, some sunlight!" I commented as Liam put me down.

"Now we just gotta get the others out." Liam pointed out. Oh yeah. They're still in there. We started walking to the forest, making up a plan. Once we got there, we set up a little area of moss for beds. I never slept on a bed before.

"I'm going to explore for a bit. I'll be back." Liam told me. This isn't going to go very well, I can tell. I looked up at the sun in the sky. It was noon. I missed the sky.

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