-| C10. Symbols and Gimmicks |-

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Subway Seat's POV:

I waited until Airy left, and went to take a look at the new 'contestants'. I noticed the CD and the pear were talking with eachother. Eventually, I could hear them.

"Album, what are you doing?" The pear asked, annoyed. Album was trying to sketch something on the wall of the pool.

"What do you think I'm doing? Trying to summon Oodle to get us out." Album replied. Had I heard that correctly? I looked over at the candle, paintbrush and flower. I shifted my attention over to them.

"I hope everybody at the island is ok..." I heard the candle say.

"The hotel too." The paintbrush added. I felt like I was there, with them. I needed to tell them everyhting, to teach them how to fight back against Airy. But, I couldn't say anything. Footsteps outside of the cave alerted me. I rushed back in the mini-cave.

"Time to start the second challenge!" I heard Airy say. I couldn't hear the people on The Plane from here, but I could hear Airy just fine.

"Pear, stop. You're doing the challenge. Or else." Airy said into a mic. I hope this 'Pear' stops messing with him.

"Last warning, stop." Airy told him. This was going to get messy. Then, Airy got a sharp stick and stuck it somewhere on The Plane.

"Now, 3, 2, 1, go." Airy said, turning the mic off. He procedded to watch The Plane, smiling at his work.

After an hour, he left. Giving me the time to see what he had done. I walked over to the floating globe and look at it's top. I nearly gagged. Pear had the sharp stick forced into his head, with him becoming unconscious. Some of his insides leaked out of the gap between the stick and his head. I looked at the mic. Maybe I could make them feel a bit better. After turning the mic on...

"Hello? Can you hear me?" I nervously spoke into the mic. Everybody on the plane looked at the sky in suprize. They looked scared and confused.

"I, uhh, noticed you have a little problem." I said. Their expressions relaxed a bit, but they were still confused. 

"Who are you?" Album asked. Should I tell her? Should I tell them? One part of me wants to tell them everything. The lab, experiments, even before all of that. But the other part of me begged me not to tell them anything.

"Why should I-"

"Because we need to know." Album cut me off. I debated about it in my mind. If I told them, they would ask more questions. But if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to help them. I needed to free them, to save them somehow.

"Depends if you want to know everything." I stated. I couldn't do this on my own. I would need somebody's help. Wait...

"Umm, be right back!" I nearly yelled into the mic. I rushed out of the cave without thinking. I left Liam in the forest. I looked at the waterfall. I dark green hand was getting dragged into the rush of water. I was too late.

A bush rustled near me.


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