Chapter 41 - Prince's Intention

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In the Quasar Hall, Manik was reading the latter sent by his mother. It was said that the gift for Samrat would be sent in two days but she and his father couldn't attend the ceremony. His father refused with an excuse of handling some state matter. At the end of the latter, it was some affection from a mother to her sons. Manik closed the scroll and burnt it down the ashes fell on the floor leaving nothing.

Judith walked in and bowed "master, it was confirmed that the kidnapper was related to the Madam Urvi. The main kidnaper was the maternal cousin of Madam Urvi. And those others are his companions. The kidnaper Pushkar was a thief in reality, stealing from people and in some cases also raping young girls"

Manik's eyes turned dark "looks like the madam of minister mansion has grown a big gut to plan such thing. She really don't know when to stop"

"Master, the kidnapping was not really meant for Miss Ahza but it was actually planned for her elder sister. Madam Urvi bargained with Pushkar to Kidnap Lady Shay then spread the news around the capital to ruin reputation and also after that to get her marry him"

"Why Shay?" Manik frowned.

"Lady Shay was in frequent contact with Yuvraj. And the maid of Madam Urvi had seen the incident" Judith replied. He had to force himself to dig every small information for this. His forehead was now sweaty and he huffed s sigh.

"Oh" Manik raised an eyebrow "I never thought brother will find some interest in the capital. He always postured to be the gentle and kind one. It looks like he Set up his mind now" his lips curled up "I should sent mother some indication. May be this time the visit to Tanishq is not a waste of time. After all Tanishq really does have some interesting people around it"

"Master what should I do now?" Judith asked.

Manik turned and glared at her "I didn't kept you to lack in your work. With you there how come she got kidnapped suddenly? What the hell were you doing?"

Judith fell on his knee "master please forgive me. I failed in my task. That day Miss Ahza gave me a task so I had to leave. I never thought she would encounter a kidnapping on the way. It was lady Shay who come to exchange the carriage and this led to the whole scene" he felt his back soaking in cold sweat. The look Manik was giving him, it felt like he was about to get killed and he don't want to die so fast.

"It's your first mistake. If this happens again, just get yourself being hanged in the entrence gate" Manik warned him.

"Thank you sparing my life master" Judith felt greatful.

"Pay more attention to the surroundings. This Tanishq Yuvraj is trying to get his way. Next time whenever he gives something just threw it out of the place"

"Yes" Judith nodded.

"Leave" Manik waved his hand. Judith bowed and disappeared like smoke.

Zain walked inside and stood behind him "master, Yuvraj seems quite close to Lady Shay"

"Let him be. He don't have works so he will go and flirt with ladies"

The corner of Zain's lips twitched " he even offered a pair of Jade bangles to Lady Shay. And after that they had a deal"

Manik rolled his eyes "is brother trying to do business with a young lady?"

Zain almost chuckled "I don't know"

"Let him do whatever he wants. It's his life. Why should I bother myself with it?" Manik leaned his back on the chair. "Besides I have more interesting person. She is more better than Shay who is timid and gentle. After all gentle ladies are too boring, they don't give any entertainment "

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