Chapter 75 - Falling Into The Scheme

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Nandini and Shay walked in and the ladies in the hall paid attention to them. There was a time when the ladies of the capital don't even recognise their names and now those same ladies are trying to flatter them all the way possible. Shay saw the expression on their faces and frowned. As they sat down she leaned and whispered.

"Do we need to attend this ceremony?"

Nandini smiled "why? Are you bored already?"

"I don't like this place. I feel all the air has been sucked out and I am about to die with suffocation"

Nandini chuckled "I never thought you would say such thing elder sister. Miyara will get hurt if she hears you"

Shay sighed "I heard someone say, we shouldn't care about others because they don't"

"Oh, and I guess that person said it right" Nandini nodded "such a talented figure. How did you met sister?"

Shay glared at her "are you mocking me?"

Nandini gave an innocent smiled "how would I dare to do that? You are accusing me sister"

"You are really something. You know how to use situation in your favour so well"

"I am a businesswoman after all. I had to learn even if I don't want to. I live with it"

Shay rolled her eyes "I am not talking to you anymore"

Just then two young girls moved towards them. They were looking curious and expecting. Nandini saw their expression and sighed in her heart.

"You want to ask something?" She asked.

The two girls did moved towards them but stoped in middle and didn't dared to approach anymore. Afterall Miss Ahza is not someone they can go and talk freely. So when they heard the question being asked they immediately nodded.

"Miss Ahza, we hope we are not interrupting. We wanted to know when the new Red Gross collection will be available in the shop. The last pieces are too small in amount and we couldn't even purchase it since it's out of stock"

Red Gross was the name of dress series which are mainly in dark red colour. Though the colours are all in red but what makes them different is the design and also the jewelry set which comes with the each pair of dress set.

"The second series is under the production. Please wait till the 15th of next month" Nandini replied.

The two girls suddenly got excited "thank you" they said happily before leaving.

Looking at their back Shay turned to Nandini "they are so impressed with Red Gross?"

Nandini smiled "think frok their view"

Shay rolled her eyes again. This girl always makes thing puzzle. She never replied with exact answers. But she got use to it.

Food and drinks are served to the guest. A maid come to them with drinks and forwarded the tray for them to pick. It was a light juice to get refresh. After they have their glasses the maid left and served another.

"Is this good?" Shay looked at the drink and smelled it.

Nandini looked at the drink "if you don't want to then don't drink" she placed her glass on the table.

Suddenly there was a commotion from outside. Then Ohas walked in with Parv who had a gentle smile. And behind him, a series of servent followed in bringing gifts. Everyone gasped at it. The list of servant was not small so the ladies looked at them in awe. In her mind Nandini sneered. Parv knows how to show off. He even visited the ceremony himself showing how much he cares for Miyara. On one side it would show the affection and on the other hand it will show his generosity and respect towards the minister mansion. This kind of plan was nothing new Nandini 's eyes. She knows clearly how capable he is.

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