Chapter 106 - Letter For Shay

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In the main manor Shay was looking out of the window. She was looking at the clear sky and the sun was glaring like a blazing fire warming the whole place. But she couldn't feel anything, her heart was restless.

"Miss?" Umi walked in holding a glass of cold drink. She looked at her master who was looking dazed looking out of the window. "Why are you still sitting there? The weather is so hot outside, even the vendors on the street has closed their stalls. The sun will hit you miss, you shouldn't sit there"

Shay turned around and looked at Umi "is there any news from Quasar?"

Umi shook her head "no miss, there's none. Are you worried for Yuvraj?"

Shay sighed "I don't know what to do Umi. I am so worried about him. It has been so many months"

Umi walked towards her and placed the glass on the table "miss are you worried that Yuvraj will find another woman in there?"

Shay glared at him "what nonsense are you sprouting Umi? When did I say such thing?"

"But you are worried"

"Of course I am, how can't I? The last latter I got was 5 months ago, he said he was preparing for war. And after that I don't know what happened nor I have any idea if the war has ended or not. It's so confusing and I am so tensed" Shay replied anxiously.

"Miss everything will be fine" Umi tried to console Shay's restless heart. "Yuvraj and second prince are skilled warriors, even his majesty also fears them, how can anything would happen to them. Like you, young miss must be worried too. Afterall, second prince is young miss's fiance"

Shay looked at Umi. She was right. Nandini must be worried too. She have never thought about it. She was scared and worried about Samarth who was not related to her at all. They are not officially engaged where Manik was Nandini's fiance. It has been days that she had not met her. She was drowned in her own sorrow that she forgot Nandini 's pain too. Shay sighed again, what kind of sister she is? She forgot her own younger sister?

"When Nandini is coming in the main manor?" Shay asked.

"I heard from Qushi that young miss is coming tonight for dinner"

Shay nodded "it's good then. After so many days we can finally sit in one place and have some chat. I am such a bad sister. In my worry I forgot about my own sister. Father and mother will definitely be disappointed with me if there were here"

"Miss what are you saying? " Umi gasped "young miss knows how much you love her. Besides young miss is so matured and understanding, she would never bear such thinking. You know young miss well"

"That's what I fear the most Umi. Nandini is so understanding and matured. More than me I guess. She understands the situation so well and even think of ways to handle. Sometimes I felt like, it's not me, who is elder but her. She has been handling everything without any complains and I really have no idea how. There are some things that really wonders me around"

"Miss, to be honest, I felt like this change in young miss is the reason we are here living a good life. When master and madam was alive, they dreamt of such life, but unfortunately they could not give nor live it. Of they could see you and young miss right now, they will be so happy for you"

Shay smiled "I know. Father and mother has worked hard to give us good life. But destiny is not in our hands. Besides they will happy for us, wherever they are right now"

"Young miss is coming for dinner after so many days. Miss should I tell the kitchen to prepare special dishes?"

Shay shook her head "no need. Today I will make the food myself. Tell the kitchen to clear, I will cook her favourite foods tonight"

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