Chapter 129 - The Judgement In Battlefield

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The very next day when the sun rise in the East, the curtain of the camp lifted already and the army set they position in the battlefield. But today there's no fight but it was the judgement day of the enemy party. Yesterday the who battlefield was in shock. The call of hunter birds was something they had never seen. No one was expecting it. But the if they didn't come then it was clear Quasar would have lost the war which definitely will the great disadvantage. But fortunately the birds saved them at the end.

Parv was tied up in chain. The chain was not smal but huge which is usually used for the criminals in the dungeon. Even though Parv is from the royalty, but right now he lost all his  power and prestige in the war. He was nothing but a prisoner to the winner.

Parv glared at Samarth and Manik who stood infront of him. The ray of sun shone the field slowly showing its golden radiance. Unlike yesterday, today the atmosphere is calm and peaceful. All the remaining army of Quasar were standing farther but surrounding the area. Those who were wounded has sent back to the capital for treatment.

"Ah, finally the day has came" Manik said loudly "what do you feel about it dear cousin?"

"Is this a thing to ask brother?" Samarth interjected. "He might be feeling dejected. Afterall all his tricks has been used and now he is empty handed"

"I forgot about it. See we understand you better fear cousin but it was always you showing such a long face" Manik nodded.

"You scoundrels" Parv snapped. He wiggled trying to free himself. "What do you think of yourselves? You think just because I am here being tied will make you a winner? No you two are a coward one to enjoy other's invention as yours. You two are too cheap"

"Cheap?" Manik said "what a colourful words you are using cousin. I really think that Samrat of Tanishq should hear you. Afterall he think his son is the best person in this world. That's why he granted the permission for you to fight us, even after what you did" 

"Don't bring my father here, you have no right. First you stole the secret of Tanishq and used it as yours. This makes you traitor of the country. Why are you so confident? You haven't won with your own efforts you used tricks" Parv said angrily.

"You are right, it's tricky but no one said that I can't use one? To win trickery, everyone needs to use tricks. Last time your tricked my fiance into the palace, you haven't said anything about that. But you have to say things about mine? How unfair "

"You ...." Parv clenched his teeth.

"Brother you are wasting your time with a conversation. It's better to finish him off fast and send his remaining pieces to his father as an example and head back to the capital"  Samarth said looking impatient.

Parv glared at him "even if you kill me, but remember this. It's not an end"

"Don't worry, I will really remember you" Manik smiled. He pulled out his sword gracefully. "You know I think my sword would not like to get blooded with you. How about I burn you alive?" He asked like it was a wonderful thing to say.

Parv couldn't help but just glare at him. Manik was too arrogant to deal with. It was already true, he lost to them. He couldn't help but feel his heart burning on his chest. This shouldn't have happened. He made all his plan so well but at the end it didn't worked. He don't know how Manik got the key to hit at the end. Parv was sure the key was the one he was looking for all this years but only had the chance to see it in portrait. The original one he saw it in Manik's hand. He couldn't help but feel the dissatisfaction in his heart. Now he have to die without knowing the truth of the key?

Samarth turned his head when he heard noises. He frowned slightly looking at the carriage stoped not far from them. He slowly raised his hand and tapped on his brother's shoulder.

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