Between Bumpy pt 5

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   By the time I ran to catch up with the others i was far behind. The only sign of them being there was the branches and leaves that scratched my arms as they jolted back into place.

   The sound of the rustles and the pants was the only thing you could hear as we ran after the compy and towards camp. Once we could recognize where we were going Yaz would yell back to us, barley loud enough for me to hear.


   Sammy, who was in the middle of us all, said something like "WHAT IF IT CAN ESCAPE THROUGH THE FENCE HOLES?". I couldn't hear her clearly because she wasnt as loud as Yaz.

   Yaz had no response to that, or atleast not one that I could hear. The closer we got the camp the more I prayed that Ben was there waiting for us, ready for a surprise attack or atleast some what concerned of what we were doing.

I was too far away to know what was going on by the time Yaz and Brooklyn got to camp. All I could hear was the fence gate door slam open. I assumed they got the compy in the fence, although I wondered how long that would last before we ran after it again.

   I was the last to get there and the first thing I noticed was a pile of supplies outside the fence, and Ben's radio.


   I didnt have thinking time, only time to walk around the fence and make sure the compy couldn't find any open holes. I immediately saw that it couldn't manage to go through the fence because of how long its neck was.

    Sammy, Yaz, and Brooklyn were all in the fence, trying to surround the compy.

   "COME HERE" Yaz yelled as she jumped forward and tried to tackle the compy. As she did that, Brooklyn also tried to reach out for the compy, so they bombarded eachother and hit their heads.

   "Damnit Brooklyn!" Yaz yelled as she rubbed her head.

   "DARIUS, THE DOOR!" Kenji yelled. Kenji was near me, on the other side of the fence's door.

   We both ran to close it, as Sammy tried to grab the compy. In hopes of preventing it from going through the door.





   "HOLD IT SAMMY, DONT TRY TO RIP THE BAG OUT!" Yaz yelled as she ran up to the camp, grabbing a blanket and jumping back down. Kenji had slid in the mud and crashed with the supplies that Ben must have gotten.

   "IM GONNA DROP IT!" Sammy yelled as she tried her hardest to hold on to its legs. It kept trying to bite her face so her grip was getting looser. The plastic was still in its mouth so truly he was just smacking her with the packet.

   "Okay let go" Yaz said as she wrapped the blanket around it. Trapping its arms and legs from movement, like a baby.

   "When you take it out try not to get it ripped, its teeth should be pretty sharp." I said, watching as Sammy inched her finger close to its mouth. Although it couldn't move, it still twisted its head around trying to wiggle out.

   "What if I try tickling it?" Yaz said, watching Sammy miserably fail at taking the packet.

   "I mean I guess" I shrugged.

   Yaz tickled the compy, trying to make it let go. The compy didnt laugh, although it did open its mouth to try and bite her.

   "SNATCH" I yelled, pulling the packet as soon as it opened its mouth.

   "God damn, you got some fast reflexes" Brooklyn said, patting me on the shoulder.

   "Yeah, well atleast we can finally use the packets." I said.

  "Ill go let this little guy out." Sammy said, taking the compy out of Yaz's hands. "Who knows maybe we can keep it as a pet"

"Not after what this guy did to my clothes. Look at me! I'm filthy!" Kenjis complained, trying to wipe off the dirt.

"gross." Yaz said, looking Kenji up and down. Only half his body was cover with mud, including his face. ( like|| not =)

"Yeah thanks" Kenji said as he rolled his eyes. "Ima go take a shower, I need to wash my clothes tho so let me go get my swimming suit.

"Yeah you do that, who knows what's in that mud." Yaz said.

"Maybe Bumpy's Throw up and poop" I joked, holding my finger up to my nose.

"AH HELL NAH" Kenjis said as he itches at first face. He ran off complaining and trying to take the mud off.

   Everyone was laughing and they watched Kenji run like a wild man. Although not long after, with some curious glares, everyone soon questioned:

"Where's ben?"


So uh I finished this yesterday and forgot to post it 😦. This was gonna be a short chapter cause I was on bus.

—- haven't worked on anything so far in a hot minute so y'all tell me which one y'all would like me to update in order:


Warthm of me (afterwards)
Between Bumpy PT. 6
Minecraft series
New story(?)

I'll update:

1. Whatever gets first place in 1-2 days
2. Second place: 1-3days
3. 2-3 days
4. 2-4 days
5. 3-6 days.


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